Captain's Log
10 December 2001

Sooooo Happy I Can Eat Again!

During our transit of Investigator Strait, a narrow stretch of water separating the mainland from KI, the YC conducted their ‘Bear’ teamwork exercises in cold and rainy conditions. Their watch on deck passed in a flash though as they worked hard on achieving a set task in a limited timeframe. The results were very good and their sail knowledge is improving out of sight.KI is quite a long island (160Km) and it was on our starboard beam throughout the night. After morning brief, YE was turned into our long awaited anchorage in the large and well protected Eastern Cove, where American River is situated. After lunch and Command Day elections, the YC were off ashore for a couple of hours savouring, or attempting to savour the delights of this small village. For the YC the land legs are trying to return and the salty tales come fast and thick. Tonight they will prepare themselves for the big day ahead when they take over in Command of Young Endeavour at 0630 hours Tuesday morning.Youth crew entry by Michelle Andrews, 19, Mt Macedon.Hey Everyone! Well we finally got to land. Finding our land legs wasn’t as hard as we thought it would be. We got to make the long awaited phone calls and buy the long awaited cokes and chocolates. Personally, I am finally over my 6 long days of seasickness and am sooooo happy I can eat again. I also tried climbing the mast again. I’ll get out on the yards one day, just climbing up is enough of a challenge for me at the moment. Tomorrow is our Command Day so I’m getting ready to be a watch leader and start yelling out Set the main staysail!” and so forth. I must say it’s been quite an experience so far and if I do this again I’d hope for calmer seas so I could enjoy more of it. A note to home


/ 35° 47' South


137° 49'