Command Day, Storm Bay
Hi everyone,Command Day is in progress – Here is Scott, YC Captain of Team Flinders to tell you all about it:Hello all. Today was the begining of our biggest challange yet, Command Day. This is where the Young Endevour and all the the jobs involved in keeping it afloat are handed over to the 24 youth crew. For 24 hours the crew has to sail from Southport to Hobart, without the help or advice from any of the leaders.It really began on sunday night when the youth crew were left to themselves for an hour to decide through an election, how the ship would be run. We would be split up into two teams, Flinders and Bass. Each team would need a Captain, Executive Officer, Navigator, Watch Officer, 3 Watch Leaders and of coarse, the Chefs.This morning at 0900 we were given tasks to fill through out our voyage which would be both challanging and fun. We were also given a map with weying stations which we were to cross. With a couple hours of planning and some sweating palms we hoisted anchor at 1230. There was a strong SW breeze and we had no trouble turning the boat around and setting sail. The breeze held up all afternoon and there were no problems making the first wey point. Soon after, we had our first wear and set forth towards our second wey point. It was then that the wind died and left us wondering what was next. Im positive we’ll be and will make to our third weying point to hand the boat over to Team Bass by 0000. Wish us well.Scott.
Wind: Light and Variable, sea moderate, swell: Low Sw