Captain's Log
31 May 2009


Hi everyone,Please find attached Youth Crew Captain Bryn Solomons Captains Log entry today.Yours AyeCaptain GavYOUTH CREW CAPTAINS LOG VOYAGE 05-09A well-deserved rest today began with the Youth Crew handing the ship back to staff as we anchored at serene Tangalooma and had a day off! After a nap on deck for some or a therapeutic (and much needed) load of washing for others, we were zipped over to the island. The Youth Crew took a peaceful walk along the sandy coast, characterized by a picturesque shipwreck.Most of the crew are quietly excited about tomorrow’s half-day sail with young Australians with disabilities. While somewhat apprehensive about their qualification, I’m positive that once the day gets underway all involved will become confident in their ability to teach and excite these welcome guests aboard the Young Endeavour. And there is no doubt in any crew member’s mind that the guests’ jovial smiles at the end of the day will serve as ample reward in the knowledge that both parties’ lives have been enriched through this opportunity.Finally, with only two days remaining there is mixed sentiment clouding the Youth Crew’s parting of ways. While all are displaying a hint of jubilation over impending long, hot showers, regular sleeping patterns and TV, there is a concurrent sombre feeling that this adventure will have finally come to an end and that great and sudden friendships will be severed. Such is the nature of the voyage, and it is my hope for all that lifelong lessons have been imparted through the osmosis that arises from such close proximity and friendship.Bryn SolomonCaptain (Youth Crew Command Day)  


27°10's / 153°22'e


Currently at anchor at Tangalooma (Morton Island) and enjoying light SE winds.