Captain's Log
31 July 2006

Command Day, Lady Musgrave to Bergarra Beach

From Courney Evans, Youth Crew Captain:Today we set sail at 1300 with a light breeze. Our intention was to head out around Lady Musgrave Island and then tacking towards our first waypoint. As we sailed on we accidently tacked and then spent a good part of our afternoon trying to set the ship going in the right direction… or trying to set the ship going in any direction. But currently we have rectified the situation and are hedding in the right direction and are starting to make up lost ground.Tea is just about to be served, it is multi-cultural theme so it should be fun for all.Courtney EvansYC Captain, V12/06


23° 56' South / 152° 20' East


Wind ESE 10 knots, sea calm, clear and warm