Captain's Log
19 August 2001

Bruises to Show Off

This morning we departed Albany after a good night’s’ rest and sailed from the Sound. (no whales this time). We’ve still got quite a way to go to Esperance and the YC’s knowledge and abilities are coming ahead in leaps and bounds as we continue the Voyage eastwards. This afternoon I spoke to them about Command Day and what they can expect. They seem to be quite keen to kick it off. Their day in Command of Young Endeavour is scheduled to begin on Tuesday and their mission is to get us to Esperance by Wednesday morning.Youth Crew entry by Philippa Lloyd, 21years old, Morpeth.I hope all you people on warm and dry land are missing me. This trip has certainly been an experience I will remember forever. It has been both challenging and fun. Climbing aloft was a lot harder then I thought, especially when the ship is rocking but once you relax the view is certainly worth it. However for all you people who know me know that I can’t do anything smoothly. As a result the last two times I have climbed aloft I have managed to get my long legs twisted in all different weird and wonderful positions, involving both the ropes and the wire cables (any yoga teacher would be proud). We left King George Sound this morning and once again I viewed this from aloft. One of the best sights out. We had a bit of sun today which meant I had a chance to break out the shorts, and put away the lovely yellow marshmellow wet weather suit I have been wearing. Even though the rough weather made me very sick it is something I’m glad I saw, because the sight of the ship on an angle ploughing up and down over the swell in strong wind and rain can never be properly explained. To friends and family I miss you all, and I’ve got plenty of stories to tell you already, and Matt I’m going to need one huge massage when I get back. Luv Phil.Youth Crew Entry by Clare Sommerville, 22 Richmond NSW and Aimee Turner, 22 Wollongong NSW.On arrival to the Young Endeavour we knew no one and next to nothing about sailing. Already we have met and formed many lasting friendships with 30 odd people and feel we are ready to conquer COMMAND DAY in less than 2 days time. Have mastered the art of balancing our normal day to day activities on all possible angles including sliding chairs whilst trying to type this entry.Now that the two days of mandatory seasickness has passed we endeavour (punn) to face even more challenges head on. We have succeeded to push ourselves to the limit many times. The struggle of getting out of bed preparing for the watch ahead with wind speeds of 40 knots upwards and swells exceeding 4 metres has been greatly rewarded many times over (although we thought for sure it never would at the time)We will succeed in the personal goals we have set for our voyage and have learnt that FUN is of the upmost importance to achieving these.(Clare) Have many a bruise to add to my already battered body but each one tells a story of it’s own. Will fill you all in with details later. Wishing Mum, Dad, Carl and Max all my love missing you all heaps cant wait to enthral you with all the photos of everyone and every angle of this experience. To the rest of my family and friends will catch up soon miss you all… luv Clarexxx(Aimee) I too have loads of bruises to show off, I think we all do. Half of me cant wait to come home (The half that wants a nice warm bath and a long shower, and a cosy lounge chair and to tell all my stories and see every one) The other half of me would love to keep sailing for a long time yet. Its almost sorry to see the end of the voyage coming up. The crew are awesome and I’m having a ball. Sorry you couldn’t meet me in Esperance Mum, I know you would have loved it, but don’t worry, I’ll get heaps of photos. Love to everyone, and I hope you’ve all been reading this religiously or else there’ll be trouble. Can’t wait to show you all my pics. Love Aimee XXxxXXxxStay tunedAndrew Davis


35° 17' South / 118° 35'


CO's LOG Sunday 19 Aug 2001Current situation at 1800: At sea in the Great Southern Ocean under full sail. Wind Sou'west at 15 knots. Temp 14C.