Ahoy Shipmates,This morning was overcast and considerably cooler than the previous 3 days of the voyage due to the southerly change. Following our Early Morning Activity at 0630 it was decided to start the day with a YE alfresco breakfast served on deck with the picturesque beaches and hills surrounding Nullicar Bay as our scenic back drop. On completion of breakfast it was straight into morning brief and cleaning stations. Once the ship was clean the Engineer conducted another “semi competitive” set of rope races which was followed by the Boats Officers informative and interactive demonstration of Rules of the Road. To finish of the mornings activities I conducted a quick brief on how to sail the Ship away from anchor and on completion put this theory into practice by completing a successful departure from anchor utilising only teamwork and sails. Once underway we shaped course to the south east and departed Twofold Bay. During the afternoon I spent time with two of the watches discussing sail theory and in particular the intricacies of sailing YOUNG ENDEAVOUR. I had to postpone my discussion with the third watch as the weather began to deteriorate and made it impossible to continue with this activity. By late afternoon we were 60nm to the north east of Gabo Island sailing extremely well with the assistance of 30kt winds but battling a 3m south westerly swell. During the night watches tonight the Youth Crew complete the “Apples and Onions” exercise (communication exercise) and the “Bear Exercise” (initiative and teamwork exercise) as we enter Bass Strait continue to make ground to the south.Until Tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain GavÂ
Currently 70nm to the east of Gabo Island and experiencing strong 20-25kt south westerly winds with a 3m swell