Captain's Log
31 March 2000

At anchor off Robe

We anchored off the township of Robe yesterday morning just before lunch. Robe is a pretty and quaint town with a colourful history. After lunch and a lecture, the crew members were ferried ashore and then given time to explore the historic town. A game of touch football became very popular and I think most people were glad to have a bit of space to move around. Of course a stable environment made some people very happy. Back onboard for dinner and then ‘three way’ talks in the evening. As always the talks provided a humorous insight into the lives of the youth crew.After a good night’s rest at anchor, we woke this morning to a fairly yucky day, but at least we have some breeze. We will get underway as soon as ‘happy hour’ is completed. This afternoon, as we head towards Victorian waters, we will conduct a few more sailing drills.


37° 9' South / 139° 45'


Wind 310/15 kts, Temp 17, rain