Captain's Log
25 May 2010

At Anchor Honeymoon Bay

Hi Everyone, Given the favourable conditions last night I opted to head off shore rather than hug the coast so as to give the Youth Crew the experience of being out of sight of land. At 2330 we were located 40nm to the east of Jervis Bay so tacking stations were called and we altered course to the west and again commenced closing the coast. At 1100 this morning we commenced our entry into Jervis Bay accompanied by HMAS BALLARAT (one of the Australian Navy ANZAC Class Frigates) who had requested to take station astern of us for a short period of time whilst conducting Officer of the Watch (OOW) manoeuvres. Once safely in the confines of Jervis Bay sail was handed in and we proceeded to anchor just to the west of Honeymoon Bay. This afternoon we ferried the Youth Crew ashore to the very scenic Honeymoon Bay were they enjoyed a good leg stretch, some beach sports and for some a refreshing swim or snorkel. This evening with everyone safely back onboard we enjoyed our first ���teak deck BBQ’ for the voyage, which was followed by a very entertaining session of ���three way talks’ (communication and public speaking exercise).Overnight we will remain at anchor and give everyone the chance to get a well deserved good nights rest.Until tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Gav


35° 3' South / 150° 46' East


Currently at anchor just to the west of Honeymoon Bay and experiencing light NE winds with nil swell.