Captain's Log
V06/21 Brisbane to Gladstone
28 June 2021

Arriving at the Gladstone Marina

Ahoy shipmates,
It’s the tenth day of Young Endeavour and we are having an absolute blast!
The crew had an amazing time in command of the ship, ending the 24hr period with a dance in the 12 berth cabin (featuring gyration, onesies and one very enthusiastic staff crew). Dance battles occurred throughout the evening, with Emma the navigator showing youthies how to work it to Taylor Swift dressed as Stitch. This was followed by watching Moana on deck with half the crew falling asleep to ‘You’re Welcome’.
Earlier in the afternoon, the youthies gathered in the café to face off against the staffies in a hotly contested game of jeopardy, however suffered a brutal defeat to the more knowledgeable staff crew; who knew sponges are immortal? In between the day’s activities, crew slept, played cards and ate as much toast as they could physically stomach before proceeding to complete the spider-web and cereal box challenges set forward by Jemma and Bobby (who, surprisingly, had his shirt on).
To finish off our last night on the STS Yound Endeavour, we had an epic dance battle on the upper deck (Midships) after downing Adsi’s delicious pizzas. When entering the harbour this afternoon, we marvelled at the sight of other people and how close yet so far solid land was from our reach. The youth crew will dearly miss the privacy of the high seas and the judgement/phone free shenanigans it allowed. Talking to everyone on board, each of us will be sorry to say goodbye to the somewhat strange friendships we have formed in the extremely trying conditions of the last eleven days.
We have all shared some of the most exciting, nerve racking, trying and inspirational experiences of our lives and for that the youth crew will be forever grateful. Coming aboard, none of us could have possibly predicted the significance of the bonds we would form with the complete strangers that would be our crew mates. Alas, all good things must come to an end.
Experiencing a voyage on the Young Endeavour is something you can do only once and we are proud to say that we did it together. To anyone considering getting involved with the program, none of us could recommend it highly enough. The depth of friendship that you will form aboard is second only to the joy you will feel in looking around the upper decks as you depart, knowing that, when the chips were down, you all had each other’s backs.
A big shout out goes to the youth crew of V06/21, and Da Silva, and Taylor families
Thank you Lauren and Daniel for your informative narration of our last 24 hours.
Tonight we had our traditional home made pizza dinner on deck. The Youth Crew got to finish of their final Command Day tasks by singing us the song they had written about the voyage and we all watched the slide show of photos and videos taken during the voyage. It is a great way of briefly re-living the highlights and funny moment from the voyage before everyone says farewell tomorrow.

Yours Aye, Captain Mike



