A Wobbly Ride on a Sloppy Sea
Overnight we had some good sailing and the Youth Crew did some sail setting and furling and climbed aloft again. The fish feeding is continuing but thankfully, after a smooth departure, most people are acclimatised to the motion of the ship. We’ve had a wobbly ride on a sloppy sea caused by two swell patterns meeting so I’m not surprised at the seasickness. Tomorrow morning we reach King Island and we will all go on a tour of the islands main attractions – cheese, cows and celp (kelp). Everyone is going well and are starting to get into the swing of things. Friday will be a good break and the chance to regain those land legs.Youth Crew entry by Erin Stockdale, 17 yrs old and from Geelong. ��� Since we made our way onto the ship it has been a fun but treacherous journey. We have learnt many things but most of all I have learnt how to throw up and I was the privileged first to throw up on the first night. Apart from only just making it up to the top of the mast on the first night I did make it and now I feel proud that I did make it but I’m not going back up. It has been a fun journey so far and I hope that I will stop throwing up some day soon so I can appreciate the trip more. I will see you at Geelong on 26th and hopefully I will not be throwing up. Cya – Erin Stockdale.Stay tunedAndrew Davis
Current situation at 1800: At sea off King Cheese Island. Wind Easterly at 15 knots. Temp 19 C.