Captain's Log
11 July 2002

A Life Changing Experience

Situation at 19:00Tonight, we decided to give the Captain a well deserved night off, and Lauren (Loz) who is on duty looking after the ship is sending a few words on today.The final morning aboard YOUNG ENDEAVOUR for the Youth Crew started (slowly) at 06:15. There was much tiredness after a night of little sleep with the Youth Crew making the most of their last precious moments together. Early morning activities this morning consisted of another round of chorally challenged renditions of ‘Happy Birthday’ – this time for Jeremy (Jezabell) – and a quick rust scrub to make the ship look tiddily for its visit to Brisbane.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR sailed from the Coal Wharf at Fisherman’s Island at 08:00 with everyone giving the ship a final clean and packing bags. As the ship approached the Marina, the Youth Crew all climbed aloft and sang the National Anthem from the yards for all the families and friends waiting on the wharf – and it wouldn’t have beencomplete without the ‘Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi’.Once alongside, Captain John presented the Youth Crew with certificates and congratulated them all on their significant achievements – not the least of which being the fact that they had all worked together as a team, commanded a tall ship, and had a lot of fun in the process. Daniel was announced as the Emblem winner for the Voyage, having displayed the true spirit of YOUNG ENDEAVOUR over the last ten days. The applause and cheers that followed indicated the decision was one supported by everyone onboard. Good on youDaniel and we wish you well for your future ‘endeavours’. Family and friends were then invited onboard for a quick tour of the ship andphoto opportunities. (Chantal also used the opportunity to sell a few more post cards, t-shirts and key rings).A few tears were shed, hugs exchanged and email addresses swapped as the Youth Crew of Voyage 13/02 said their ‘see you laters’ – nonewanting to commit to any finality of an unbelievable and life- changing experience. And so in finishing the final chapter of thisleg – Bundaberg to Brisbane – (and for me, my first solo watchleading trip) I wish to thank everyone on this Voyage for the great time and learning experience. A quick farewell to Nathan who leaves us today – thanks for all your hard work Nath.From all the staff in YOUNG ENDEAVOUR – we look forward to the next adventure (Brisbane to Brisbane) and hope that you will log on and take a peep at what we have been up to. Our future is very bright with so many wonderful young Australians.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR fact file – The Ship has 2 Stokes Anchors (cast steel with forged steel shanks) – each one weighing 353 Kg. They are each connected to 130 metres of cable.Thought of the day: ‘Attitude not Aptitude leads to Altitude’ (believed to be once used by Legendary Coach Wayne Bennett)Hope you enjoyed tonights log,Yours AyeLoz (Lauren Hindmarsh – Blue Watch Leader Voyage 13/02)


0° 0' South / 0° 0'


Alongside Brisbane at Dockside Marina.