Captain's Log
V05/22 Adelaide to Geelong
6 March 2022

Day 7 – Western Port

Ahoy there dear readers, this morning found us snuggly anchored in the vicinity of Cowes, in the lee of Phillip Island. A wee bit of exercise by way of a game, was a great way to start the day, as the sun rose over the beautiful Western Port.


Next was the Colours ceremony followed by morning brief, where Tori told us her plan for the day, commencing with her favourite activity… cleaning stations. Myself and Sumo the Engineer were up next. We conducted sail handling validation whereby we assessed each watch, setting and furling a variety of sails, a confidence check before Command Day. They smashed it by the way, all demonstrating competence and safety.


After that, Watch Leaders took the Youth Crew through tacking stations again,  this time with a twist as we rotated each watch through the other stations, so now everyone knows what everyone else does during tacking, even the Command team on the bridge. We then shifted into an activity we call Demonstrational Tacks, whereby everyone comes to the bridge and we talk through the actions required for tacking and wearing the ship. This is the final piece of the puzzle before Command Day, which is tomorrow don’t you know!


Speaking of which, I then gave the Command Day brief, detailing what to expect and how to achieve success… get involved, support each other and have fun are the keys, if you ask me. Then it was taco time! 🙂


After dinner, Command Day elections took place.

Drum roll please? Well, I’m very pleased to announce the following Youth Crew elected positions:


Captain – Sinta.

Sailmaster – Emily M.

Navigator – Matthew.

Watch Leaders: Gus, Gus and Lauren.

Chefs: Alina and Kal.


Congratulations one and all. Youthies are currently watching a movie (classic tallship home movie actually) and they will then turn-to anchor watches overnight, to keep us safe once again.


Intend handing over Command of the ship at 1300 tomorrow, where I will give Sinta their Command Day Task List and Navigation Instructions. How exciting. Tune in tomorrow night to see how our young sea puppies have fared.

Until then. Stay safe.


Captain Adam Charlie Farley+


38 26 S / 144 34 E


Weather: Overcast. Wind: E @ 15-20. Swell: Nil. Temp: 20.