Captain's Log
30 August 2000

Synchronised Swimming

Made good ground to the south overnight with all plain sail set. The YC have been kept busy on watch learning how to steer and trim sails amongst other tasks.It has been a glorious day today and for the most part we have had a good breeze from the west enabling the ship to regularly hit speeds in excess of 9kts. After happy hour a set of rope races and a navigation lecture were completed. Soon after lunch a set of tacking drills were conducted in the failing wind. The tacks went fine but soon afterwards we found ourselves becalmed. A heavy swell from the south made the ship roll around considerably and as I patiently waited for the wind to come in, I suspect I brought upon many cases of seasickness. After a couple of hours of nothing (except rolling and slatting sails), I gave up and engines were started. We have been motor sailing now for three hours and we are starting to feel a bit of a breeze coming in from the NNW so hopefully the engines will be shut down soon.We saw a pod of humpback whales at quite close quarters late in the afternoon which was a treat. A pair of them gave a nice display of synchronised swimming as they both raised their tails together as they dived. This will surely be more exciting than the Olympic Games version. We will spend at least one more night at sea before anchoring in Coffs Harbour. Hopefully we will arrive tomorrow afternoon or late evening. I know there are a few YC looking forward to some terra firma.YC entry by Cameron Poulton (age 21 from Thirroul, NSW)It’s about testing yourself,Like most things, what you get from the experiencedepends on how much effort you put in.Seasickness and fatigue overcoming some youth’s initial eagernessTo learn and experience an adventure at sea.Fight through the physical and mental weariness,Don’t be complacent, try to enjoy the ride.Listen actively and learn the ‘ship speak’,Co-operate, share the team spirit and work hard -This is the Young EndeavourIt’s also about sailing and respecting nature,Now lets turn off the engines and cruise,Feel the power of the waves and the wind,While the hot sun beats downOr the stars keep the lonely night watches companyDolphins, whales and other marine life, live out their existenceAnd give us a moment of excitement when we glimpse them enjoying their natural habitat,A sight so far away from our constructed world.Appreciate the fundamentals of what we have -This is the Young EndeavourThat’s all folksAndrew (and Cameron)


28° 37' South / 153° 58'


Current Situation at 1800: Course 250, Speed 8kts, Wind NNW 5-10kts, Temp 20, Clear