PAST 24 HOURSAfter getting underway yesterday our team was thrown in the deep end.Having to sail and tack their way out of Sydney Harbour without anyopportunity to practice these skills prior to having to do it all forreal. Good incentives were offered, that of not runninginto islands, rocks, reef or land. Our team did an amazingjob and before too long we were sailing safely out of Sydney Heads. With the wind from the North / North East at 25knots and a combinedsea and swell of around 3 metres, we were definitely in for somegood, challenging sailing. Especially given that we needed to makeground to the north if we were to explore the beauty of Broken Bay.With the wind came some sunshine, which was a pleasant suprise. As the day progressed members of our team pushed themselves welloutside their comfort zone going for a climb in challengingconditions. With many feeling the ill effects of sea sickness only aa brief introduction to navigation talk and a couple of tacks wereconducted during the afternoon/evening. Overnight the wind strengthened further, and it was an uncomfortablenight at sea for all. But to everyone’s credit all are hanging inthere and many with smiles on their faces.As this morning approached and with the seas easing, the ship hadbeen able to sail to a position where we could now use one of oursquare sails on a westerly course as we headed back inland to BrokenBay. It has been a very challenging 24 hours and our team are lookingforward to a little respite. We are not far from going to anchornow and an afternoon ashore is much anticipated.NAUTICAL TERM OF THE DAYFREEBOARD: The distance, measured in the centre, or waist of a shipfrom the waterline to the uperdeck level.YOURS AYEDION CURTISLIEUTENANT, RANCAPTAIN STS YOUNG ENDEAVOUR
North / North East at 25knots, sea and swell of around 3 metres