What a Command Day!
Situation at 21:00 – Command day proved to be a considerable challenge for the Youth Crew. The wind picked up to 25 knots overnight as they beat to windward towards Magnetic Island. All hands were required on deck several times overnight to tack and hand in sail. At 07:30 when the anchor was let go, the Youth Crew were exhausted from their experience of being in command of a tallship. But there were still tasks for them to achieve. The Beach Assault Team consisting of 4 members of the Youth Crew landed at Magnetic Island and convinced 9 local residents to join them in singing the National Anthem. A muraldescribing the voyage was created by Nicki, and a giant hammock was built ‘midships able to hold all 24 Youth Crew.At 10:00 the Ship was formally turned over to Captain John. The only remaining activity scheduled for the forenoon was anotherinstallment of rope races. The Blue Watch are still in the lead but the final installment tomorrow could see the championship go to either Red, White or Blue.Once lunch was finished, the Youth Crew were divivded into three groups and the command day debrief was started. This was anopen and frank discussion of the events of command day and the aim is to determine if there are any lessons that can be transferred into their regular lives to make a positive difference. The debrief provedto be a valuable and incitful experience that was well worth the effort. After supper the Ship’s concert was held on the upperdeck.Each Watch, and the Staff Crew, contributed an act and it is evident that there is some very talented people within the Youth Crew. The Staff Mess Disco has just finished and all hands are heading off to catch up on some of the sleep they missed last night.Overnight the Youth Crew will keep anchor watches. Tomorrow’s activities will centre around the half-day sail which will see theYouth Crew act as host to up to 40 guests from several of the special schools in the Townsville area.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: On the second to last day of each 10-day voyage, the Ship hosts a half-day sail for young Australianswho are unable to participate in a full voyage due to a physical or intellectual disability. The Youth Crew have the chance to show off their Ship and the skills they have learned onboard, and the guestsexperience life onboard a tallship, something that most of them have never done before. The half-day sail is often the peak experience of the voyage for many of the Youth Crew, and both groups invariablyhave a marvelous time.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Capstan- The winch that is used to weigh the anchor. It is fitted with turning drums so that it may alsobe used to heave in berthing hawsers or other lines. Fairlead- an opening in the bulwark, or on top of the capping rail, that is used to re-direct the angle of a berthing hawser towards the bollards. It provides a ‘fair lead’ for the line.Thought of the Day: A decision without the pressure of consequence is hardly a decision at all. Eric Langmuir. Yours, Aye John Cowan, LCDR, RAN Greetings everyone in Sydney from youth crew member AJ. We are now at anchor in the beautiful Horseshoe Bay Magnetic Island after an exciting and quite heart stopping command day which was enjoyed by all. I’ve had the time of my life sailing on the high sea, taking part in the best adventure I’ve ever had. An adventure I strongly recommend if you ever get the chance I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I have. Hi to mum, dad, mick and curtis see you all in two weeks.AJ…
At anchor off Magnetic Island. Wind: Sou'East at 15 kts, Temp: 23c, Cloud:8/8 in rain
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Thank you Tarvi, Kaeden and Matt for your narrative of today's events. Intentions are to remain at anchor in Hunters Bay, just off HMAS Penguin, home of the RAN Diving School, a place close to my heart, having spent many a day there under training as a young Officer! The plan is to weigh anchor and proceed to HMAS Waterhen, in Waverton, to pick up our Community Day Sailors from the Windgap Foundation and take them for a sail around the harbour for 3 hours. The Youth Crew will help us host our visitors and give them an experience of Young Endeavour. We will drop them back to Waverton and then proceed to anchor in the harbour where we will have a good view of the Bridge and the Opera House for the Youth Crew's last night onboard. Until tomorrow. Yours Aye, Captain Mike