Wet Boxers
We stayed another day in beautiful Gove after we took about 50 local high school children on a half-day sail. They had a great time and so did we. They brought along a didgeridoo and they sang a song that was over two hundred years old about white men visiting their country for the first time. Then we got dancing lessons and before we knew it all the YC were dancing to a song played by our musical guests. We returned after some fine sailing and farewelled them.The mad keen fishermen are still hellbent on catching something. With fishing line resembling whipper snipper cord, all that is happening is that Gove fish are getting fatter at every cast.Tomorrow we head north to round Cape Wessels before tracking west to Darwin.Youth crew entry Michael Kilkeary Age, 17 Casino NSW.Another great day on board the YE. Up early to leave the 24/7, rock around the clock party that is Gove. Sad to leave really, there is no better place to live…. We were all happy to get back to what we came here for. Perfect day for sailing. Winds are high and going the right way. With sails up were moving like Michael Schumacher. There is a fight on between staff and youngsters to grab the high-speed record of the day, youth crew have it in the bag. (Acko got 9.4 knots) The swell is up nice and big today and the place to be is the bowsprit where frequent water dunking takes place. A lot of fun for all the family. I myself still have wet boxers on as I type. The boat is rocking in more ways than one…we had the deck stezza hooked up and its been dancing all day long, quite a bunch of groovers on board. Not me however, due to lack of dancing skills and general coordination. Still yet to get a rise out of Wazza… it’ll come. White watch (my heroic watch) is currently leading the rope races. We are the brains of the boat and I’m sure we’ll take the prize. Using the wisdom of our great watch leader Donnie. Having the time of our lives and can’t wait to get up at a thousand o’clock in the morning to take watch… Hello to all my friends I’m sure your all getting amongst it back at Casvagus as per usual. Hello to Eagle Boys Casino, my beloved workplace ��� hope you can run the shop without me. Hello to the Fam, It’s about time I’m the one calling home, it’s usually the olds calling from one of there many, many trips away to see if I switched the iron off. A big HELLO to my great school of masters St Mary’s High. I bet you miss me….?? And last but not least Yr 12 Retail, who I know will use up one whole double lesson reading this log. Top Job Kelly. Gotta go, dinner is on, and believe me you don’t want to miss out on the……no words can explain the fine art of Karen in the Galley. Love ya Work Happy Karen! That’s if from Micka………for now……….Stay TunedAndrew Davis
Current situation at 1800: At Gove still. Nice place to visit. It's got a great pool and mall. Temp 28C.