Captain's Log
Voyage 13/23
7 August 2023

Day 8 – Command Day (Part 1)

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchairs sailors! Welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 8… Command Day!
Overnight the Youthies kept us safe during their anchor watches with some opting to maximise their sleep ahead of their big day, and others being a bit too excited to hit the hay. Fortunately, they all had enough energy to be treated to a morning ashore on the beautiful Dunk Island for some beach games and a swim. After lunch we conducted “Opposites” where the Youthies partnered up with their Staffie counterparts for last minute tips and tricks before 1300 (1pm) rolled around… With the ship now firmly in the hands of our wonderful Youthies until 1300 tomorrow, it’s time for me to step away from the keyboard and let Captain Jaime take over! Captain Libby+


Today was the big day! For the Youthies, the day started early with a 6:30am wake up song and Early Morning Activity out on the deck. This was followed closely with breakfast, then the flag ceremony called “Colours” featuring Advance Australia Fair sung to the style of Working-Class Man. With little time to spare the “Shuttle” boat was lunched and crew including Staffies and Youthies were brought from Young Endeavour to the shores of Dunk Island. The almost deserted island might as well have replaced the definition of a tropical paradise! At least in looks it did… but as we all know, looks can be deceiving. The beach (if you could call it a beach) was scattered with what seemed like strategically placed rocks beneath the water line which made the landing a little treacherous.

Thankfully the afternoon took a turn in the right direction, as the Youthies described it. This was because at 1300 the eager Youthies snatched the keys and command of the STS Young Endeavour. From there, the Youthies have strategized and come up with plans to complete their given tasks and meet their deadlines. The night is still young, and anything is possible all, that can be said for certain is that the Youthies are in control! (The Staffies are on short term leave).

– Captain Jaime


17 46.3'S / 146 12.9'E


Partly Cloudy, Wind SE 15-20Kts, Swell SE 1m