Captain's Log
Voyage 10/23
30 June 2023

Day 11– Farewell Shipmates!

Ahoy landlubbers and armchair Sailors for the last time! That’s right, it’s the final day for V10/23 and what a journey it has been! We’ve learnt some sailing, we’ve seen some sights and we’ve made some new friends. And maybe, just maybe, we’ve learnt a few things along the way!

It was a brisk start to Day 11 leaving our Youthies wondering if they really had made it to Brisbane after all! But I assure you Nav Chucky did well and we were definitely alongside HMAS Moreton ready to welcome our family and friends on board!

Some breakfast, an all-important Morning Brief and a snappy Happy Hour later, it was time to don harnesses and climb aloft for the final time. At 1000 friends and family started to filter in across the gangway as they were greeted by the Youthies performing our special Young Endeavour salutation.

Once everyone was down and quick tours conducted, it was time to do our final farewells. I welcomed everyone (back) on board and presented the Voyage Completion certificates to 24 excited Youthies. I also had the pleasure of presenting the Young Endeavour Award to Joanna Oreb for her outstanding hard work throughout the voyage and her dedication to her fellow Youth Crew in helping them in achieving their own goals.

Finally, there was one more important farewell to be conducted. With great sadness but many many fond memories, it was time to farewell Captain Adam ‘Charlie’ Farley. Captain Gav was on hand to say a few words about Captain Charlie’s time on board, first as Navigator, then Executive Officer and now as Captain and, to thank Adam for his extraordinary dedication to Young Endeavour over the years. Captain Charlie may be stepping off for now but we will see his smiling face on board again I promise!

Well shipmates, it’s been an emotional end to an awesome voyage. It’s been an absolute pleasure having all the wonderful Youthies of voyage 10/23 on board!

Thank you for following along, we’ll be back at it again soon. Until then,

Fair winds and Following seas! Captain Libby+


27 26.7'S / 153 04.1'E


Sunny, Wind WSW 5-10 Kts