Captain's Log
V03/25, Geelong to Hobart
30 January 2025

Day 4 – Square Sailing Banks Passage

Ahoy from the best watch group aboard the Young Endeavour… BLUE WATCH READY!!!

We are so happy to be reporting on day four especially after surviving the terrors of sea sickness, but thankfully our sea legs have formed and our spirits are unmatched, Blue watch ready?

The Youthies woke up to Land Ahoy and an immediate rick roll over the loudspeaker. With thanks to our lord and saviour Steve, we filled our bellies with another fabulous Brekkie and went on deck to get our glimpses of the small island they call Tasmania. Right after the morning meeting and happy hour (which is starting to live up to its name) we all begin to furl in all the sails as one big team to get ready for anchor. Everyone made the most of the time at anchor to wash clothes, each lunch and catch up on some well needed sleep – big wins for siesta… and blue watch always.

With the great siesta over, the Youthies were ready for some very competitive rope races (dominated by blue as usual) Our highlight of the day in which everyone would agree was a new activity called three-way chats where we got to understand the lives of crew members beyond the boat. We met these chats with amazing presentations and a VERY competitive round of charades which was just a belly of laughs.

We then pulled up the anchor and made our way along the Tassie coast, setting the sails again and learning to brace the yard. Once away, we tucked in for another stellar Steve meal and while the rest of our crew has settled in for some fat naps, Blue Watch is currently working hard on the First Watch, as usual.

Coming in live, we have beautiful conditions, a stunning sunset, and thousands of flies! Since when does Tassie attract flies? But as always, our perfect and flawless staff have kept spirits high, with their amazing enthusiasm, keeping all of our spirits well above the clouds… most of the time.

Tomorrow, we look forward to stepping onto land for the first time in three days (even with our newfound sea legs) and giving a bucket of kisses and hugs to one lucky Tassie tree.

Ahoy to all our family and friends eagerly reading in from across the Bass Strait or waiting for our arrival in one piece. BLUE WATCH READY!

Lachie and Tildy

Onward. Forward.
Ted Lasso


40 42.0S / 147 49.3E


Weather: Sunny Wind: 10kn NW Temp: 19C