Day 4 – Ahoy landlubbers!

After a night of anchor watches, us youthies enjoyed morning activities on deck while appreciating the calm waters along the shores of Stanley. Thanks to our great chef Ash, the best eggs benedict of the seas was served for breakfast, which all of us were able to keep down for once.
This was followed by the happiest hour of the day with the ship now looking spotless. Seb gave his navigation brief where we learned about latitude and longitude, as well as charting out and navigating the seas. All this talk about navigation left us hungry just in time for Mongolian lamb and vegetable risotto for lunch.
After a small siesta, Salty Sea Dog Kyle gave his ‘Rules of the Road’ brief where we learnt about which ships have right of way and how to go about it, as well as smaller things like overtaking and spotting buoys. Shortly after we had our favourite game, rope races.
After all that we ended up practicing some tacking and furling of the sails until we were ready to climb aloft. Harnesses on, strapped up and tight, we all took a shot at climbing the mast and laying aloft along the yards, practicing some of our knots on the course. Climbing down from a windy descent, we weighed anchor at 1600 and unfurled the topsail, sailing past Stanley and the Nut for the last time.
As we write this we’re headed out towards the west coast of Tassie enduring for a couple of long, challenging but fun couple of rough days at sea as we head towards our next anchorage.
Signing off Dean and Dylan.
Shout out: Hope you guys are having fun doing chores without me, and Happy Birthday Sean in a couple days’ time, you can open your gift if it arrives in the mail without me – Dean.
Shout out: Hi everyone back home, miss you! I have been feeding the fish well – Dylan.
Weather: Fine. Wind: 200 @ 25kts. Sea: 200 @ 1m. Temp: 17.
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