Captain's Log
V02/25, Eden to Melbourne
20 January 2025

Day 6 – Onwards through the Bass Strait

Hello, this is Dais and Gunita reporting from the deep blue sea. We’re proud to say that at an anchored rest we all had fantastic sleeps. Especially considering the single hour watches (they’re usually four). We were woken up by “Here Comes The Sun” over the PA followed by a stretching session with Karsen. Breakfast was a morning BBQ consisting of bacon and egg rolls, surrounded by the gorgeous, isolated Deal Island. We were most sad to leave. But excited to move on.

After happy hour (cleaning), The first activity of the day was mid voyage chats, were in our watch groups we reflected on the goals we’d written for ourselves on day one. Both Gunita and I are from blue watch and we as a whole believe we’re tracking very well on those goals. Such as seeing the marine life, sunrise climbs on the mast and coming to understand and experience sailing.

Shocking we know but we did also do some sailing. Many tacks were underway, which requires the whole youth team to work together. We were then better set on course. We were lucky enough to spot pods of dolphins, schools of fish and a single seal. Lunch was veggie ravioli as well as lamb. Thank you, Alex (the master chef). Chucky then assigned time for a siesta, which is a nap. If you didn’t know (I didn’t). Gunita and I both took up the opportunity to catch up on some sleep. Even though we were late to rope races. Whoops- Regardless blue watch dominated. The topics were square sails and random objects. Following that was flag races. The flag races relate to the communication area of the navy and are a common practice. Random groups were allocated and tasked to hoist and identify twelve signalling flags as quickly as they could. The team with the quickest time won. Good job team two! Dinner was honey glazed ham, beef stroganoff with potatoes and veggies, man we are fed well.

That leads us to now. Sadly, Gunita and I have guts watch tonight (12am-4am) so the bed is calling us to the unconscious realm. Onwards.


Dais and Gunita



39 22.15S / 146 05.19E


Weather: Sunny Wind: 15 E-NE Temp: 18C