Captain's Log
V02/25, Eden to Melbourne
15 January 2025

Day One – Welcome Aboard!

Ahoy there readers of this fine journal. Voyage 02/25 has kicked off with a bang with 24 Youth Crew joining this beautiful ship whilst alongside the Eden Multipurpose Jetty. The lovely people of Eden came to visit us yesterday at our open day with over 200 visitors talking all things Tallship and Youth Development. But a day alongside is a day wasted so we embarked our new crew and slipped lines at 1630. The smooth waters of TwoFold Bay beckoned, and we anchored within sight of the township.

It is a thrill to welcome new Youth Crew and their friends, families and loved ones onboard on Day One of a Voyage. My crew and I made some introductions. Sailmaster; Chucky, Navigator; Matty, Officer of the Watch; Karsen, A/OOW; Bec, Engineer; Dan, Chefo; Kingy, Blue Watchleader; Kyle, White Watchleader; Sara and Sean, Red Watchleader; Simon, VIP extraordinaire and wealth of knowledge; Charlie. What a cracking group of people to call your ship-mates. The Youthies are in for an experience.

It is easy to be enthusiastic about our program and our beautiful ship. She was a gift from the Queen of England after-all. I love the look of surprise on the Youthies faces when I tell them that this is in fact their ship – she was gifted to the Australian Government and People for the express purpose of delivering our World-Famous Youth Development Program. We are all here to facilitate their once in a lifetime adventure!

Tonight we went through a series of briefs to introduce concepts of; life at sea, communal living, routines, acceptable behaviour, the structure of the program itself and, of course, lots of pointers on how to get the most out of the next 10 days.

With a strong Southerly system rounding the Southwest corner of NSW it is our plan to hang around TwoFold Bay tomorrow. We will introduce climbing harnesses and working aloft procedures before challenging our new joiners to climb to the top of the mast. After a sailor’s five on deck safety and setting and furling sails, we will weigh anchor and dance our way around the bay as we practise setting and furling our fore and aft sails. That weather looks a bit grim but our future is bright and our Youthies will sleep soundly tonight.

Family and friends – I’ll see you here same time tomorrow for an update on our progress.

Captain Leups Out +



37 04.5S / 149 54.1E


Weather: Overcast/Rain Wind: 10KN NNE Temp: 22C