Two Fold Bay
PAST 24 HOURSIt was a beautiful day in Eden when our team of young adventurers rocked up to their Sail Training Ship Young Endeavour for their adventure under sail. Parents, family and friends gathered to farewell our team and after some introductions it was time to commence our expedition. Firstly I’d like to introduce the staff team for this voyage.Dion as CaptainJordo as Executive OfficerHector as Navigating OfficerSuz as Watch OfficerRach as White Watch LeaderEddie as Blue Watch LeaderBrodie as Red Watch LeaderHorto as EngineerBec as Chef (on her last Voyage)The weather for our departure was very nice, with a gentle 10 knots from the south east. We proceeded out to anchor in Two Fold Bay and commenced the program proper. Firstly it was into ice breakers and then some ship familiarisation tours. After the first of Bec’s wonderful meals it was then time to lay aloft for a first climb. All of our young adventurers put in a great effort and the climb was a success on all levels.Overnight watches completed a full value contract, learnt some knots and went for a climb to the top of the mast and out the yard arms. A superb effort was put in by all and it was very pleasing to see the attitude and etermination shown by those who were a little more challenged by their fear of heights.In the morning we conducted the first of our daily briefs with some of the entertaining antics that have become so commonplace in this magnificent ship. After this it was time to consolidate and expand all of the Youth Crew’s ships knowledge of safety equipment. Unfortunately one of our members had arrived with a few ongoing medical concerns. After gaining expert medical advice it was decided that it was best for this member to return at a later stage to conduct a voyage when they were in peak physical condition and able to tackle the rigours of an adventure under sail. So it was a sad farewell to a new friend from all Staff and Youth Crew alike. Next on the agenda was to get out of Two Fold Bay and to get some sails up. To do this our team needed to gain an understanding of working with lines and sails in safe and effective manner. So after some drills we were off and into the sailing. The first 20 hours has proven to be very pleasing. A great effort has been put in by all the voyage is already showing great potential.NAUGHTICAL TERM OF THE DAYSTAY: Support wires or lines for the rigging that run fore and aft ona ship. YOURS AYEDion CurtisLIEUTENANT, RAN