Situation at 20:00-Overnight several of the Youth Crew had to face the challenge of overcoming seasickness while being required to turn to with therest of their watch. The watches were employed setting and furling sails and practising their knots. They also experienced their first tricks on the helm and as lookout.At today’s morning brief, Salty Sea Dog Loz dazzeled us with her version of the nautical origins of the saying ‘shake a leg’. Thisinvolved lots of imagination and dexterity. Navigator Phil briefed us on the progress we had made overnight as well as what the weather is likely to do in the next few days. Engineer Stewy reaped his firstharvest of the voyage for his scran bag. Almost the entire Youth Crew were lucky enough to have gear returned to them that had been found sculling…for a price of course. After morning brief, the Youth Crewwere off to Happy Hour and them morning tea. The last activity of the forenoon was a briefing by XO Chooka on how to set and furl the square sails.After lunch (thanks Stony), the only scheduled activity was a Navigation Lecture by Phil, who sought to impress the Youth Crew with the mysteries of his black art. Today’s program has purposely been kept light in order to allow the Youth Crew a chance to regroup after the hectic pace of yesterday and the effects of seasickness.Most of the Youth Crew are starting to find their sea legs although a few will take a day or two more before feeling better. As a group, they are adjusting well to thedemands of being at sea and learning to perform as an effective member of a team. Overnight, they will consolidate the sailhandling skills they have learned so far and further develop their abilities as helmsman. Regular rounds of the lower deck will alsohelp make the time on watch pass quickly.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: The Ship has a suite of thirteen sails available for use in varying wind conditions. This includes theDrifter, for very light wind and the storm Trysail and Storm Jib for heavy weather. It is not uncommon for all sails to be used in the course of a single voyage.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Reef- To put a reef in a sail is to reduce the area of that sail by tying a section of it together using the reef points.Rollar reefing is carried out by rolling part of a sail around its stay or spar. Fisherman- A quadrilateral stay sail set from one of the upper stays leading between the masts. It is usedprimarily for on the wind sailing.Thought of the Day: The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands. And then work outward fromthere. Robert M. Pirsig.Yours, AyeJohn CowanLCDR, RAN
At sea motor-sailing under three sails. Course: Nor'East, Wind: SSW at 5 Knots, Sea State:2, Temp:20c, Cloud:6/8.
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