Captain's Log
1 March 2003

The Voyage Unfolds

Situation at 20:00- As we crossed Bass Strait last night the wind and seas increased as forecast. In order to weather Cape Otway all hands werecalled on deck to tack the Ship at 23:45, and then again at 05:00. The watches completed their teamwork exercise and some valuable lessons in teamwork and effective communications were learned.It was a tired Youth Crew that mustered for morning brief. Today’s morning brief was just that…brief. Salty Sea Dog Chookadescribed the nautical origins of an everyday saying and Navigator Luke reviewed our progress since sailing from King Island. The strong winds and seas have brought the return of seasickness to several ofthe Youth Crew, but despite this all hands are getting on with business. The weather didn’t dampen XO Lolli’s plan for Happy Hour,and Engineer Rags did the honours as the celebrity inspector.Most of the remaining activities scheduled for today have been posponed until tomorrow and hopefully the weather improves. Those hands not required on watch were able to catch up on sleep and make themselves as comfortable as possible. Chef Polly did his usual magic but meal hours were rather poorly attended. The one activity that did go ahead as planned was the mid-voyage talks. This is where the Youth Crew discuss how they see the voyage is unfolding and offer the Staff Crew advice on how to improve the youth development program. All hands indicate that they are enjoying the challenge of learning to sail a tallship and having a great time. There were a few suggestions about removing seasickness from the program, but the only guareenteed cure that I know of is to go and sit underneath atree. I will see if one can be ordered through the naval stores system.Overnight we will continue on our way towards Portland and plan to anchor there tomorrow afternoon after conducting theactivities that were cancelled today. Our progress since sailing from King Island has been good and we are ahead of schedule. Accordingly, it will be necessary to tack at the start of the morning watch.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: Three of the Staff Crew are qualified as Minor War Vessel Medical Care Providers, capable ofadvanced first-aid. If necessary, and with approval from medical authorities ashore, they are able to administer pain killing drugs and close cuts with stitches or other techniques.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Gale- A wind blowing at a speed between 34 and 47 knots, force 8 and 9 on the Beaufort scale. Windsof this strength are usually divided into two general descriptions, a gale (34-40 knots) and a strong gale (41-47 knots). Storm- A wind whose average speed lies between 48 and 63 knots, force 10 and 11 onthe Beaufort scale. Winds of this strength are generally described as a storm (48-55 knots) and a violent storm (56-63 knots). Winds blowing above 63 knots are classified as hurricanes.Thought of the Day:Far better it it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,because they live in the gray twilight that knows no victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt.Yours, AyeJohn CowanLCDR, RAN


38° 37' South / 142° 22' East


At sea under four sails. Wind: Sou' West at 30 kts gusting to 45 kts in squalls, Sea State:6, Temp:12c, Cloud: 6/8.