Teak and Chocolate

Hi Everyone,                           Welcome to day seven of our voyage. Unfortunately the wind remained light overnight which meant motor sailing for a number of hours so that we could make ground towards Kangaroo Island. By morning brief we were located 25nm to the east of Kangaroo Island and the Backstairs Passage still motor sailing but expecting a forecast southerly change that afternoon.Following another entertaining morning brief I conducted Captains Setting and Furling Drills and it was very pleasing to observe the high standards of all three watches as they successfully completed this important activity. Lunch followed, then after a couple of hours of free time we went into the Captains Challenge which on this occasion was to bring the ship under a full press of sail, navigate without the use of our GPS or Chart Plotter then tack the ship twice and regain our original track. This was all achieved in the required time and really demonstrated how much the Youth Crew have learnt over the past seven days and how well they work together as a crew. During this activity the south easterly change came through which meant that we could then sail all the way to Kangaroo Islands, Kingscote Harbour where we sailed gracefully into anchor just after 1800 this evening.Once at anchor we enjoyed a wonderful Teak Deck BBQ Dinner where we also celebrated Sail Master Adam’s 26th Birthday with chocolate mud cake and chocolate mousse. Once we had cleaned up from dinner I conducted my Command Day brief which was followed by Command Day elections.The time is now 2130 and the elections are complete. We will remain at anchor overnight and tomorrow will ferry the Youth Crew ashore so they can enjoy a couple of hours on Kangaroo Island before handing the ship over to them for what will be a challenging 24hr Command Period.Until tomorrow evening, take care. Yours AyeCaptain Gav
Currently anchored at Kingscote (Kangaroo Island) and experiencing very light to moderate 9-12kt south easterly winds with nil swell. The current temperature is a very pleasant 20 degrees.
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