V17/17 Tag

Ahoy there Shipmates, Guv woke the crew with another of his favourite tunes and then it was into a quick EMA on deck, shower, breaky and then pack our bags. It’s the last day of the voyage! After the final Morning Brief and Happy Hour for the...

Ahoy there Shipmates,A well deserved night’s rest at anchor in Little Manly Cove was had by all. I think everyone onboard slept very soundly and for good reason, most were exhausted from Command Day, but that didn’t stop us from conducting our usual Early Morning...

Ahoy There! Youth Crew Captain Cassidy and Sail Master Marten here,Under the control of the youthie command team, the young endeavour made it safely to Port Jackson and anchored at 02:00 this morning. All members of the crew have put in a really solid effort,...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship remained at sea on passage to Broken Bay. The youthies got the opportunity to further hone their sail handling skills as well as practice their coastal navigation.After a comfortable night at sea motor-sailing towards Broken Bay we awoke to a...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship remained at anchor in Jervis Bay. The strong winds abated and backed overnight and at sunrise we were experiencing light south westerlies. Sail Master Guv piped Wakey wakey at 0630 with the smell of fresh-baked focaccia wafting up from the...

Ahoy there Shipmates,After a hectic night in high winds and long low swells we entered Jervis Bay at 0645, after giving way to the RAN Flag Ship, HMAS Canberra, to enable her to enter the bay ahead of us, unobstructed. She was going to be...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship continued to make ground to the south towards Jervis Bay, running on the Topsail and Top Gallant squares with the light north westerlies. The wind abated to less than 10 knots during the morning watch. The fore-and-afts were set and...

G’day Shipmates, Welcome to day 3 of our adventure under sail. The ship continued sailing north overnight along the NSW coast running down wind with the Topsail and Top Gallant square sails set. The wind remained south westerly and had eased to 15 knots by sunrise...

Hello Shipmates,Welcome to Day 2 of the voyage. Following a well deserved and much needed night’s rest the Youth Crew awoke at 0600 to a breezy, overcast Sydney morning. Sail master Guv treated us to an early morning swim and rope swing, followed by breakfast...

G’day shipmates,Welcome to Young Endeavour’s Voyage 17 of 2017. Our journey starts and finishes back in the beautiful Harbour City of Sydney. We have a magnificent tall ship, wind for our sails and the NSW Coast explore. The potential is limitless and sense of adventure...

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