V14/23 Tag

Ahoy! And welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 5! After a comfortable night at anchor, we woke to the smell of sizzling bacon. We headed up on deck for our usual Early Morning Activity only to find Engineers Shaun and Nobby were cooking up a...

Ahoy! And welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 4! I hope you landlubbers and armchair sailors are enjoying following along as much as we’re enjoying the voyage! Day 4 dawned bright and beautiful over the Great Barrier Reef. Overnight we transited out of the Grafton...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors! Welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 3. If you’ve been jealous reading about our adventures so far, I warn you, it’s been another fantastic day! Sail Master Chucky woke us all up at 0630 and got us up on...

Ahoy there new friends, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 2! Day 2 dawned without a cloud in the sky and the promise of a beautiful tropical winter’s day ahead! Sail Master Chucky had us up bright and early at 0630 to get some breakfast...

Ahoy there landlubbers, armchair sailors, and of course, our new ship mates! Welcome to the Captain's Log for Voyage 14/23! The Youth Crew of Voyage 14/23 joined us alongside Trinity Wharf in Cairns in the beautiful afternoon sunshine. We have a special voyage this time, welcoming...

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