Cairns Tag

Ahoy there Shipmates, The Youth Crew for Voyage 15/23 joined Young Endeavour alongside at Trinity Wharf 5 in Cairns at 1515. Once they had stowed their bags below we gathered together at midships and I made a welcoming speech and then introduced the Staff Crew as...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 10! After enduring rough seas and sleepless nights for the past nine days, the final full day for the Youthies arrived. Following a nice early 6am wakeup to the iconic We Are Australian,...

Ahoy there, welcome back as Command Day Part 2 commences! With a slow start to the night, the Greenies (Codie as Watch Leader), took the First Watch maintaining all their duties with only 3 people. As strong as the team seemed though, all hands we required...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchairs sailors! Welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 8… Command Day! Overnight the Youthies kept us safe during their anchor watches with some opting to maximise their sleep ahead of their big day, and others being a bit too excited to...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors! Welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 7! It’s Captain Libby at the helm (keyboard) as our salty sea puppies have had a busy day! Overnight our Youthies were busy conducting a teamwork challenge during their watches, which all completed...

G’day land dwellers, After busy night, we arrived at Orpheus Island and anchored with the lovely view of the surrounding environment. Upon anchoring many Youthies were overjoyed at the prospect of touching land for the first time in 5 days. Being on a ship for this...

Ahoy there! Welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 5! Where is the time going? We’re nearly halfway already! I hope you’re having just as much fun following along as our Youthies are having on board! Captain Libby+   We woke up today feeling very refreshed and...

Ahoy there Mateys! Welcome to Day 4 of the Captains Log. Following a cold windy morning rotating watches, our Youthies finally got to explore the ship’s Main Sail and Jib. It required immense teamwork, communication, and effort from all the watches to conquer the fierce wind...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 3! Overnight our salty sea pups did an amazing job keeping a lookout, steering the ship at the helm, setting and furling sails and conducting rounds. They’ve also done it while more than...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 2! Our newest shipmates were up with the sun and, after anchoring in the dark last night, many were delighted by the sight of Fitzroy Island just off the port bow! Sail Master Dion...

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