Captain's Log
22 April 2012

Same oh, same oh – No wind

Day 5 Sunday 22 Apr 12 Hello me hearties, Well this lack of wind is doing my head in. We woke this morning to another beautiful day and my first thought was ‘oh no, not more’. You guessed it, we were in for another day with very little wind and lots of sunshine. After happy hour we weighed anchor and motored through the Solway Passage and then did our very best to sail. We were rocketing along at breakneck speeds of 2kts!!! After lunch I provided a lecture on the theory of sail and the first point to be made was that to sail effectively one needed WIND. Anyway we persevered and afterwards we went to tacking stations and conducted rotational tacks where tacking stations are swapped around. The tacks were very slow and in fact we were actually going backwards as the ebbing tide carried us northwards through the Whitsunday Passage as we tried to work our way southwards. Something desperate was required and I put in a special request and summonsed the presence of Brother Nutsie (or is it Nutze – no one actually knows) whose special powers have been put to good use previously to conjure up some decent wind. He duly arrived with his man servant and demonstrated his powers by levitating the YC – quite extraordinary! Brother Nutsie disappeared as quickly as he arrived and within two hours the engines had been shut down as the ship worked southwards in 10kts of sou Easter making good a cracking speed of 4 kts – woohoo! I wish I were more confident that the wind will last. Captain Gunna Carpe’ diem


20° 45' South / 149° 5' East


Co 133, Sp5, Wind 150 5-10 ktsÂ