Captain's Log
11 March 2002

Resolution Makes It Happen

Situation at 1800: Position 33 05S 137 59E, Voyage 6/02 is our second five day voyage, this time starting and finishing in Port Pirie. By 1100 all Youth Crew had joined but unfortunately due to a fault on the starboard engine we were not able to sail straight away as planned but had to commence the training programme alongside. The resolution of our Engineer soon fixed theproblem however and at 1750, after dinner, we departed Port Pirie and proceeded to anchor in Germein Bay seven miles away.So, despite the minor setback, everyone has completed ship and crew familiarisation and their initial climb. And tonight Youth Crew will commence keeping watches and continue climbing training.See you tomorrow,Cap’n Bob.


33° 5' South / 137° 59'


At anchor Germein Bay. Wind south 18 knots, clear skies, temp a very cool 18 degrees.