Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 7 of our voyage. Just after 2300 last night we completed our long pilotage out of the Thames then farewelled our Pilot. Due to the favourable tides we made better speed than previously anticipated so rather than spend the night avoiding heavy shipping traffic in the English Channel I decided to change our original plans of continuing to sail overnight and instead go to anchor and give everyone the opportunity to get some much needed sleep, especially our Navigator Miquela and other members of my bridge staff who had an extremely busy day.Given that we will not have many opportunities to go to anchor during this voyage due to our crossing of the North Sea and participation in the Tall Ship races, remaining at anchor has given us the chance to progress through a number of activities normally reserved for later in the voyage and it has also given the World Voyagers more time to spend together outside of their watches so that they get to know a little more about each other. Following a full day of activities we departed our anchorage early this evening and are now experiencing some pleasant sailing as we make our way along the English Coast to Lowestoft where we are scheduled to berth alongside at 0800 tomorrow morning.Lowestoft is important in the life of Young Endeavour as it is where she was built and it is extremely special to be finally taking her back to where it all began. Despite it only being a short 32hr visit I know that the local community are excited about seeing the ship again and I am sure that we will receive a very warm welcome. Writing tonight’s Log is Blue Watch’s Mikey, Leanne and Ethan. Enjoy! Until our departure from Lowestoft, take care. Yours Aye Captain Gav CAPTAINS LOG 18 JUL 15 AHOY! Greetings from Blue Watch! Mikey, Leanne and Ethan here! It’s currently 1800 and we have just finished an amazing dinner put on by Marcos and his dish daisies. We are in the challenge room writing this as the radio chatters away with vessels talking between each other and the coast guard. Last night as we piloted up the River Thames we were well ahead of schedule. Therefore we anchored at Inner Sunk which is 70NM out of London. Last evening Blue Watch went aloft led by Dr. Nick to enjoy the sunset from the lower top and with Mikey, Lucy, Tim climbing further to the upper top and the Topsail Yards. Observing the sunset from aloft was a great experience and nice way to send off a busy day. It was a clear night last night so Blue Watch were able to lie on deck for a brief period to enjoy some star gazing with minimal light pollution. We look forward to learning about navigation especially using the stars like old times. We dropped anchor close to midnight and managed to wake up all the girls in the 12 berth cabin below as the anchor chain is stored below. Screams could be heard throughout the ship as panic ensued as the girls were not prepared for the rude awakening. After, a nice sleep was enjoyed by all. At 0700 sharp, Wakey wakey was performed by White Watch who sung to us through the PA with breakfast ready soon after (another amazing meal, with chocolate chip pancakes). Morning watch had an appearance from Salty who told us about the old sea tale of why the toilets on a ship are called the heads. Happy hour followed and as Kenny says ‘A happy ship is a clean ship, and a clean ship is a healthy ship’. In preparation for the upcoming tall ship races, Taffy took us through a ‘crash course’ on the rules of the road – for the sea. A very informative and interactive time was had. Free time was enjoyed before lunch, basking in the beautiful weather, with some people sun baking, others grabbing a quick nap and others hanging out and relaxing. After lunch we went into Rope Races Round 2, with Blue Watch performing well with our knowledge of the sails and the lines. Then we were split up into groups of 3, one person from each watch to learn more about each other – three way talks as they are called by the Staffies. After 90 minutes we then presented what we had learned to everyone by pretending to be one our fellow shipmates. It was a great chance to know everyone that we haven’t had the chance to yet.Followed by this we had some fun with everyone playing some ‘team building’ games that involved close encounters, clenching and fruit… We will weigh anchor at 2000 and start sailing to Lowestoft where the ship was built; we are looking forward to practicing our skills, and hosting a function tomorrow night on board. Hi to Mum, Dad and Caleb! Wishing you all well, and can’t wait to see you all soon! ïŠ Thankyou to Melissa, Anthony, Caitlin and Ewan for helping me around London and catching up with me numerous times! You guys really made me want to stay longer! Wishing everyone else back home all the best and I miss you all! Also I’ve been wearing a hat so I don’t get burnt on my bald head! Love EthanShout out to Red, wishing you are well! Make sure you play with Spike and Squid for me. Dear Joan, I hope the Vernal Pools are holding water and the shield shrimp are thriving. Love Mikey,Hi to Ng family – hoping it’s not too cold in Melbourne and that everyone is well. Greg – miss you and see you soon in Copenhagen. Love Leanne.
Currently located 40nm to the SE of Lowestoft and experiencing moderate 10-15kt SE winds with nil swell. Current speed is 4kts and the temperature is 17 degrees
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Ahoy followers of our Young Endeavour journey! Command Day. We made it.
The beautiful weather at our anchor point at Jervis Bay made for a spectacular day under the command of our fellow Youth Crew! A morning stretch and some wise words from the Ship Crew gave Captain Waz and the team a step in the right direction.
With the new watches all set and ready to go, Captain’s Setting and Furling gave all our youthies the chance to prove their abilities on the high seas. Strong performances from all three watches; Sharkies, Chompers and Narwhals!!
Morning brief gave the Sailmaster a chance to give us the daily orders and help get everyone on the same page. With the staff crew getting ready for a holiday and giving us the ship, floral shirts and party music filled the deck and, with some final preparations, the ship was ours.
The Captain was given a small but very significant envelope that contained the essential, non-essential and completely optional tasks to be done over the course of the next 24 hours. 2 tacks were to be made at a minimum before leaving the bay and safety checks were the essential tasks to start our journey. However.
More amusing, optional tasks allowed some of our youthies to become part of the “Beach Assault Team” while others were put to the task of making a slideshow of the voyage, tying all the knots on the list, etc. These were some activities that bided the time for our incredible navigator - Ruscoe to set out a plan and work together with the Sailmaster - Hugh to create a sail plan.
Tacking stations were the focus for our late afternoon, preparing to weigh anchor and leave such a beautiful bay, for our last stretch of this incredible voyage.
Happy Birthday to the Capitan, Warwick, who turned 24 today! The wonderful MasterChef’s created a “cherry ripe” cake out of rice crispies, coconut, chocolate, and love. With a beautiful ceremony to end our day.
Sailing into the night leaves us the ability to see the lights from our destination. Sydney, here we come!
Wish us luck! From Nat and Tom!!

ARRRGH, ahoy there from the spectacular Jervis Bay! We’ve all been taken A-back by the crystal clear blue waters and snow white sands.
After a well deserved sleep in these sheltered waters which was a refreshing change to clinging to our bunk racks for dear life for the past few days, the ship rose to another banger of a morale tune “sung” by Blue Watch. Brekkie was fun after the early morning activity to get us all up and moving. We held another round of competitive not-competitive rope races which culminated in smashed eggs on deck and the mummification of said egg smashers.
Roast lamb for lunch was prepped by the staffies in the absence of our culinary wizard Steve. Once cleaned up, we took the RHIB’s across to Captains Beach bordering HMAS Creswell which was a mind-blowingly beautiful little spot. Pretty much everyone had a dip in the drink and a roll in the sand and played some creative beach games run by our Suitability legends, Speedy Sam and Eggs.
A few hours at the beach made everyone ready to head back home and attack a teak deck barbeque, devouring cheese platters, steaks, sangas, and salads. With our full stomachs, us youthies initiated the highly anticipated elections for our command day roles. Which will commence sometime around midday tomorrow. We held a vote for each available role that all willing youthies put themselves forward for.
The following roles were voted as follows: Captain – Warwick, Sailmaster – Hugh, Navigator – Ruscoe, Officer of the Watch – Dan, Watch Leader – Nick, Ben, Bridget, Master chef – Emily, Mackenzie, Alyshia
We were greeted after our elections by a low flying anti-submarine MH60-Romeo Helicopter which did a cool fly around our ship. *Thanks Squizz!!* And then watched an amazing film about the rounding of Cape Horn back in 1929 on a 7 story tall sail ship.
Signing off from our anchor watch, Ben and Giles.
“I believe that positive energy and optimism help us to take up any challenge in life and to succeed in even the most difficult tasks. I also believe that positive energy is contagious: We can transmit it to others”