It’s Been a Blast!
Situation at 20:00: At 06:30 this morning all hands were called on deck for the start of another busy day. The early morning activity took on a somewhat different form today. Instead of jogging, all hands were issued a green scrubber pad and turned to removing rust stain that has accumalated over the voyage. Hot water and elbow grease helped to make short work of this task and in no time at all the upperdecks were being hosed down and breakfast being served.The reason for all of this feverous cleaning activity was the half-day sail. At 09:00 YOUNG ENDEAVOUR berthed at the Trawler Wharfin Portland so that we could embark the guests that would join us for the day. Thirty students from Brauer College in Warrnambool arrived onboard and we sailed at 10:00. There was just enough wind to coastalong and with the help of our guests, we soon had seven sails set. The guests were able to steer, set the sails and receive a tour of the Ship, all under the capable direction of the Youth Crew. At 13:00we returned alongside and said farewell to our guests. Before they left they presented Captain John with a set of glasses inscribed with the Brauer College emblem. Thanks to Ben, Delia and all the Kids for a wonderful day.Once the guests had departed, the Ship returned to the anchorage off Portland. The final round of Rope Races was held, andRed watch was declared the winners by a small margin. Well done to all three watches. Next on the schedule was the demanding task of harbour furling the square sails. To do this, the squares must be very tightly furled on top of the yard by catching and folding them in a certain way. They are secured under the UV protection panel so as to be protected from the elements between the voyages.The Youth Crew have completed their end of voyage discussions. The Watch Leaders noted down all the good and bad comments they had about the voyage and these will be discussed to see if future voyages can be improved upon. The structure of each voyage slightly varies and the Staff Crew are constantly trying new activities and techniques so that the youth development program remains relevant to our cliental. Overnight the Youth Crew will in order to have a chance to say an extended goodbye to one another.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: Over the voyage the Ship’s Company has consumed: 50 kg of potatoes, 6 kg of fish fillets, 150 kg ofmeat, 80 litres of milk, 20 dozen eggs, 60 loafs of bread, 70 kg of fresh vegetables, 45 kg of fresh fruit and 30 litres of ice cream. Chef Polly follows a 10-day cyclic menu that incorporates variations to allow for weather, dietary restrictions, special events and the availability of produce. The menu is designed to be varied and nutritious. All food handling requirements and cooking techniques of the RAN are adhered to.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Steerage Way: A vessel has steerage way when she has sufficient headway for her rudder to gripthe water so that she will answer her helm. A vessel loses steerage way when it becomes impossible to hold her on course. Squall-A sudden gust of wind of considerable strength. Squalls usually follow the passage of a depression, when the barometer begins to rise from its lowest point.Thought of the Day: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where hestands in times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King Jr.Yours, AyeJohn CowanLCDR, RANTo those back in reality…The time has come for you to be told of our adventures on the high seas. It started on a warm, sunny afternoon in Burnie. This positive start suddenly turned afoul, with cyclonic winds and towering waves…finally we were getting nautical. This was punctuated by going to the uppers with our oppos (the deck with our friends),whippin’ up many a brew (making coffee), catching some gammas (getting a tan) and spinin’ it (having a conversation). Going aloft caused many a hissy from from sailor Ebony and induced the famous ‘white knuckle fever’, but this has been overcome by additionalclimbs in free time (Ebony is very dedicated to the team). Dave took to climbing like a lil’ monkey and as the famous Red Watch Leader during command day, he took to screaming the commands at the top ofhis voice liker a sailor to the navy (Dave is also very dedicated to the team). Thanks youth crew and staff, its been a blast.Ebony and Dave.
At anchor off Portland, Wind: South at 10 kts, Temp: 14c, Sea State: 1, Cloud:1/8.