infamous Young Endeavour
Ahoy there shipmates, Sail Master Evan started the day with our first morning swim and rope swing at 0700. A few people were a bit tentative given the air temperature was a little cool but once they were in the water they were loving it. We saw some impressive aerial summersaults and graceful water entries, as well as some not-so-graceful. Breakfast, Morning Brief and Happy Hour followed. At 1000 we held ‘Opposites’ where the elected youth crew had a chance to find out exactly what their Staffy opposite number did.Then at 1045 I handed Command over to Captain Emily with the symbolic passing of the Captain’s hat and ‘Spy Glass of Knowledge’. I will now hand over the writing of the Captain’s Log to Captain Emily to cover the next 24 hours. Yours Aye,Captain Mike————————————————————Ahoy there, Excitement filled the air as the Youth Crew was about to take charge of infamous Young Endeavour. Hand over occurred at 1030 with the passing of the telescope and the captains hat along with the long anticipated navigational instructions and task sheet from Captain Mike.After a guided anchorage and departure from Coolangatta the ship mysteriously, “ran out of fuelâ€. The crew were left with nothing but a few cloths, some pieces of twine and their own company. In a baptism of fire like nature, the well equipped crew took the sails for the first time solo. Initially it took a little time to get the sails set and sailing but alas we were well underway to out first planned way point of our journey. This involved sailing away from the sheltered coast in an attempt to catch the much anticipated southerly winds. In the midst of setting as many sails as possible, as quickly as possible the last meal cooked by a staff member was enjoyed. At 1520 our first waypoint and hurdle was overcome. In the interim between managing sails the crew took to tackle some of the tasks given to them to complete over our 28 hour voyage. After a light drizzle we were well and truly sailing. Of the grand total of 23 tasks, the first to be completed was the task to tie as many knots as illustrated on the bridge doors of the ship. Just prior to dinner the crew successfully completed two wears, which is changing course of the ship by turning the stern through the wind. This was a great feat for the crew as it was the first time this skill had been utilised by the team on their lonesome.Simultaneously as those above deck were full speed ahead, our chefs were slaving away in the kitchen in order to uphold the standard of food that we had experienced in the past week. We were not disappointed with an Italian themed meal. Delicious and nutritious indeed; and with that the overnight watches began. At this stage the crew is on track to meet the end way point sailing past the eastern coast of North Stradbroke Island as we are writing this log. We look forward to writing to you again tomorrow evening well anchored in Moreton Bay after a 28 hour period we won’t be forgetting anytime soon. Until Tomorrow, Yours Aye,Captain Emily and Sail Master Daniel
Weather - passing showers, Wind - SE at 18 kn, Swell - 0.75 m from the east, Temp: 16 deg. C