In The Whitsunday Passage
Hi Everyone, Following a good nights rest at anchor the Youth Crew arose early to a fine Brampton Island morning. Following our normal hearty breakfast, morning brief then cleaning stations (Happy Hour) I gave a short brief on how to sail the ship from anchor then put this theory into practice by achieving a very good departure from our anchorage utilising only wind and sail. Once in open water the ship was brought under more sail as we shaped a new course back into open water. This afternoon in a moderate-strong 15-20kt south easterly breeze we completed a very good set of rotational tacks. These stronger conditions were good for the Youth Crew as up until now they had only experienced light winds so it was good to expose them to some heavier and more demanding sailing. On completion of this activity I spent some quality time with the Youth Crew imparting some sail theory knowledge and in particular discussing the intricacies of sailing Young Endeavour. As the sun slowly set on another perfect day we brought the ship under full plain sail and made an impressive entry into the Whitsunday Passage During the night watches tonight the Youth Crew will complete the BEAREX, which is an initiative, teamwork and communication exercise. Whilst they are undertaking this exercise the ship will continue to transit through the Whitsunday Passage. Until tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Gav
At the moment we are located 5nm to the west of Lindeman Island sailing on a very broad starboard reach and experiencing moderate south easterly winds.