Goodbye Adelaide

The weekend in Adelaide provided the staff with a well-earned break and we all enjoyed what Adelaide had to offer. On Saturday evening we held a returnee reunion onboard which was very enjoyable. It was great to catch up with old friends and make some new ones as well. We had hoped to have a few more returnees make it along – maybe next time we’re in port. On Sunday afternoon the ship opened its gangway to the public and we had between 200-250 interestedpeople walk the decks. This successful event would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the returnees turning up to help out. Thanks guys – great job.Youth Crew 07/00 joined the ship yesterday afternoon and after a quick ‘g’day’ from me we slipped our lines and motored down the river and entered the Gulf of St Vincent. We anchored shortly after dinner adjacent to Adelaide City and enjoyed the view of the skyline after dark. Everybody proceeded aloft in the evening to the lower platform and then went aloft again during the night to even greater heights within their watches.This morning we held ‘colours’ at 0800 where we hoisted our flags and sang the national anthem. The first of ten morning briefs was then held. We weighed anchor after the brief and then it was off to the wonderful delights of ‘happy hour’. No not to the pub, but to cleaning stations where the youth crew learn that communal living requires communal cleaning. Today will be a busy day where we will have a series of safety lectures, line handling and sail setting drills and finally tacking drills.This evening we are hoping to meet up with the South Aussie sail training ship ‘One and All’ and spend some time in company with them prior to heading off towards Victorian waters.Chat tomorrow.
Course 235, Speed 8kts (Motorsailing), Wind 320/10kts, Temp 17, Overcast, passing showers.
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