Glad I Brought the Thermals!
Today, Tuesday, is always a big day on the YE. More so since we spent last night underway instead of at anchor, making distance in our long journey. Clear skies this morning heralded a great day. Our new YC worked hard at learning all the sails and lines and by late afternoon we successfully carried out two tacks.Where is winter? We were all dressed in t-shirts and shorts by days’ end. The wind died to a puff and we saw a magnificent sunset on a glassy ocean. At this point we farewelled land on the eastern side of the Archipelago of the Recherche. Tonight the wind will increase and send us on our way. Our passage across the Bight is expected to take us six days before we reach our first objective, Kangaroo Island where we will make our first landfall.The YC are generally well and happy. The calm seas and glorious weather today certainly dispelled any lingering signs of seasickness – for today…Youth Crew entry by Michelle Andrews, 19, Mt Macedon.Well today has been quite an experience. From feeling terribly sick from 4 this morning till about midday to feeling fine this afternoon on a fine journey through the Great Australian Bight. Climbed the first part of the mast last night and have no intentions on going any higher. Well I hope the rest of the journey is as sunny as today as. See you all later. Hi Mum, you were right. Hi Dad, I’ve been checking out the nav equipment. Hey Adam, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I’m sorry I missed it. Love you.Frances Polain, 17, Orange.The weather has been great. Steering the ship was great fun. Climbing aloft was a challenge but a great accomplishment. Hi Mum, you were right about the thermals and I had a great birthday. Love to all my family, especially my two boys.Stay tunedAndrew Davis
CO's LOG 28 August 2001Current situation at 1800: At sea in the Great Australian Bight. Wind northerly at 3 knots. Temp 20 C.