Ahoy Shipmates,This morning at Inner Sister Island was warm with a moderate north easterly breeze. Following colours, morning brief and cleaning stations the YC were sent aloft to cast loose gaskets (climbed the mast to set square sails) in preparation for our departure. Once these preparations were complete I mustered the YC on deck and gave them a brief on how to sail the ship from anchor. At 1030 we put our sailing theory into practise and in doing so achieved a very successfully sail from anchor. Once clear of House Bay we brought the ship under all fore and aft sail and shaped a course for Deal Island, which is part of the Kent Group of islands and is located 40nm to the north west of Finders Island. During our passage to Deal Island the YC finally got to conduct the long awaited set of rotational tacks and once this activity was complete the Watch Leaders utilised the rest of the afternoon to consolidate sailing skills. At 1730 all sail was handed in and YE proceeded to anchor in the picturesque East Cove at Deal Island. Once safely at anchor I decided to let everyone have a swim in the cool waters of East Cove, whilst the Staff Crew prepared the evenings “teak deck BBQ”. Following tonight’s dinner the YC sat down and watched the DVD presentation of the square rig sailing classic “Around Cape Horn” (complete with freshly cooked popcorn). The time is now 2100 and the YC have now just settled into their anchor watches for the night.Until Tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain GavPlease find attached some more Captains Log entries from members of the Youth Crew.After the second day, which was filled with imagining setting sails and really setting sails, the afternoon was filled with the delightful smell of bile, myself contributing to the mess. The third day was great fun, and this is where all my happy snaps came through. There was no wind and we climbed the rigging for the sunset. Love to Mum, Dad, Monique and Andre, and the rest of my family. We still haven’t got to an island with phones or reception, we are currently at anchor on inner-sister island for the night.-YuriDay three was quite a treat compared to the tragic sea sickness yesterday, we swam at inner-sister today which was a load of fun and excitement. The sunrise was amazing with the yellow, red and orange sky. We have also learnt navigation and where ropes and the sails are placed and GO BLUE TEAM. I would like to say hello to Mum and Dad, friends and family.Love to you all- SimoneDay one was exciting to be on board, each youth crew member climbed to the Top Gallant Yard (the very top rail of mast). Day two we set sail, hit the bass strait and the stomachs of most didn’t quite agree, myself included. Day three was beautiful, calm waters, clear skies, great for photos – anchored at Inner-Sister Island for a swim and the night. “White Watch Hoorah/Booyah”. Night, love you mum (Anne), dad (Dean), friends and family.- SamDay 4 and tonight we’re at anchor again, thankfully, as the seasickness takes over again, coming back after a beautiful day & night of weather at Inner Sister Island yesterday. We’ll sleep out of the weather at Deal Island, after the crazy people jump off the bowsprit onto icebergs. ïŠ I’ll be sleeping like a log because no watches tonight for me, I’m a dishpig! Wohoo!Missing my family a lot, love to you all� Mum, Dad, Libby, Becky, Georgia and Kita.Xxx – Marnie ïŠDay 4 and we have anchored again for the night this time at Deal Island. Coming in to the island we had the starboard side under water almost that was way scary and cool. I attempted to climb to the top of the mast again last night and got a little bit scared so only made it up a little way, might have the chance to try again tonight. Everyone just had a chance at jumping off the bow sprit but the water here is way too cold for me. I am missing home and being on still land. No one succumb to the sickness of the sea today but once we set sail tomorrow things could change. Love to everyone at home Mum, Dad and girls.EmmaDay 4 and we’re at Deal Island, Bass Straight. At anchor, some of us have been jumping from the bowsprit into rather freezing water in a spectacular cove. I’ve been climbing a lot: up the fore mast to help unfurl the topsail and up the main mast to tie up the main sail. Today while sailing from Inner Sister Island the wind was up to 40 knots and the ship was dipping into the water on starboard. The other day, we climbed the mast to watch the sunrise, after 4am watch. Go Blue Watch!There is nothing I won’t have a go at. I was only shortly sea sick. I can now furl and set sails and I know what a jib is. Overall, this is one of the best times of my life. I DID mean to go to sea. Love you all Dad, Mum, Emma, Laura and Fred. X : )SarahDay 4 We left Inner Sister Island this morning and have recently anchored at Deal Island. On our way over to Deal Island the wind were very strong and the starboard side was underwater, it look awesome. Weather has been fairly cool today but still really nice. Last night I got to see the sunset from a top of the foremast, a stunning view. Today, I climbed the Main mast to release the Main Sail it was so much fun but also a lot of work. Not many people are still seasick as all but a few have adapted to the conditions, ( haven’t been sick much myself). Just before dinner tonight, after anchoring we jumped off the boat and had a swim it was extremely cold could not breath initially when I went in. Will be setting sail tomorrow, possibly after another swim but am looking forward to getting back into it. Having a great time best part so far has been climbing mast and steering ship.Love you all lots Mum, Dad and Charly XOïŠAllyDay 4. I woke up to a fine mourning, and got my first hot meal down for a couple of days. It was some good beacon and eggs. After leaving Inner Sister island, we let the wind power us for a couple hours. Then we went into alternating tacking stations, where we learnt what the other crew members did when tacking. I found it quite interesting and at times, very hard. After that, the wind died down, so we had to fire up the main engines. As we neared Deal Island, the wind picked up to around 30 knots. The whole ship was leaning so bad, that the star board side was under water at times. Finally we got the sails down, and it was easy going after that. Soon after we anchored in the Deal Island, we went for a swim and had a BBQ on the deck. It was a great time, with music also playing over the speakers. The water down here is freezing. Made heaps of great friends.Love you Mum, Dad, Aimee and the rest of the family. XoJarrydÂ
At anchor at Deal Island and enjoying light SW winds.
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