Day 9 – Favourable Winds

Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 9 of our voyage. Over the past 24hrs we have continued to make good speed occasionally assisted by the passing rain squall which always gives us a short period of strong wind and a cool shower. These squalls have become a normal part of our day and already the Crew have learnt that we take precautions such as reducing upper sail prior to the squall hitting and bearing away (turning away from the wind) to reduce our apparent wind.  Today besides completing our normal daily program we also conducted a very good round of ‘Three Way Talks’. This communication exercise is designed so that we find out some interesting facts about other crew members and assists in the process of spending time with other people outside of your normal watch.  Tonight Ronald from Red Watch kindly volunteered his services to write the Log so please enjoy his take on today’s activities.Until tomorrow, take careYours AyeCaptain Gav  PS. Happy Birthday to my Dad Max back in Launceston, Tasmania who turns 83 today (Aus time). Hope you have a fantastic day Dad!!Captains Log Tuesday 24 February 2015Hello to all and welcome to another edition of the captain’s log!  Today started off rather quiet, with sea sickness re-emerging in a few and the rest feeling rather sleep deprived. This however was quickly turned around with another morning brief from the always enthusiastic Dion and songs on deck with the motley crew!  After the usual Happy Hour, we all had a bit of time to chill out and catch up on sleep. However, the weather gods had a different plan in store. Whilst a bunch of the crew were sleeping and chillin’ out on deck, a rather short but intense shower belted down causing the crew to either run for cover or be tasked to furl in the Topgallant Staysail.  After the showers had passed, the youth crew started to prepare for ‘three way talks’. We had been split in to groups of three, one person from each watch, and we had to learn more about each other and then present our finding to the rest of the crew. As well as mime out the favourite film of whomever we were presenting on.  After another fabulous meal prepared by the kitchen team (shout out to Cassie and Thomas for their guest appearancesïŠ), Red Watch gathered at the bridge for our two hour watch. The night was already off to a rare start-Vic was fed, freshly showered and ON TIME! Always time for a first! But we empathise, as she has been experiencing regular bouts of sea sickness since setting sail from Rio- often set off by climbing aloft, an experience hard to say no to.  During watch, we were entertained with Jodie’s killer jokes and Dion’s intriguing questions. Whilst some of us went for a climb to lay aloft to watch yet another beautiful sunset over the deep blue Atlantic Ocean, the rest of the watch were seen doing chin ups and push ups in and around the bridge. Our workouts have become quite a regular activity during watch, normally led by Goody, always encouraging us to get some more heaves (chin-ups) and push ups in.  Sian has been keeping busy, learning all things navigation and ensuring we keep on track. Young Luke has been busting out his guitar and playing some sweet tunes. This eventually led to the discovery of quite a musically talented group- Robert surprised us by singing some Johnny Cash with his smooth voice. Vic and Eva had also joined in on the playing.  In general, Red Watch has been enjoying their time together with loads of laughter. Whether it is during watch, in the galley playing various games (including a single game of celebrity heads which laster around ninety minutes) or eating together, we all find the time to bond through humour. Speaking of games, I’m eager to head down to the galley to join the crew in playing some form of cards. I feel I’m starting to develop what is commonly known as F.O.M.O (Fear Of Missing Out), which Dion appears to be suffering from quite severely.  At this point, we have less than 800 Nautical Miles to the Equator which we expect to reach on Sunday, if the conditions permit. This will leave us with approximately another 1000 NM to sail until we reach our first port in Cape Verde.  The crew is still forming, still learning the ropes and settling into our temporary home at sea which we will have over the next 37 days. I sit here extremely grateful for all that I have experienced thus far and eagerly await all those experiences to come. Experiences that will develop our characters and give us new perspectives and greater appreciations in the life’s we have been gifted.  We are truly living the dream.Lots of love to all readers,Ronald (on behalf of red watch)  “Â
Currently located 760nm to the SW of the Equator and enjoying moderate 10-15kt ESE winds with a 1-2m ENE swell. Current temperature is 25 degrees.
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