Day 9 – Command day part 2
Well readers, we are happy to report that our Command Day is now successfully completed. We had some testing conditions over night but our 16 youth crew members all stood up to the challenge and we reached our destination of beautiful Cid Harbour around lunch time today (even within the intended time frame woohoo). What a 24 hours it was for all youth crew, lets recap our command period for you.
When we took over the ship at 1300 yesterday we were all eager and excited for the challenges ahead but all 16 of us experienced a whole new level of challenge and pushing yourself. The conditions over night were nothing like what we had experienced on this voyage so far, with near to no wind and flat seas until now. Our youth crew took command and what are we greeted with; 25 knot winds, sea swells and finding out the hard way that a lot of us indeed do get sea sick (who knew!). On a positive note we had proper wind for the first time this voyage and we got to see how this ship really can sail which was an amazing experience (doing 9.1 knots you wouldn’t believe it!!).
Our youth crew showed just how much they have developed so far on this voyage. We worked together setting and furling sail after sail and keeping watches in these testing conditions; all crew showed great resilience and teamwork throughout these 24 hours in command. Fun and commitment was a focus for all. A mention to our youthie chefs Shay and Liam who cooked us three delicious meals which were enjoyed by everyone. A special shout out also to our youthie navigator Keeley for getting us to our destination successfully and safely working hard on the charts to take us on the best possible route.
Our command team did an amazing job of planning and guiding the course of the day but this credit is extended to the entire team; we did it and we can definitely be so proud of ourselves. We are all looking forward to a few more hours of sleep tonight in preparation for our last day of exploring tomorrow before our voyage sadly comes to an end. We cannot wait to share all of our stories with you soon. …..
Jaimee, Hannah and Tia ………
Mum, Grandma & Lachie miss you all – Jaimee xx ……… Shout out to my favourite sister Amy, hope you’re not missing me to much and Mum, see you both in two days – TT xo ……. Miss you all, see you soon – Hannah.
Weather: Fine. Swell: nil. Wind: SSE < 5kts. Temp: