Day 8 – Command Day Part One

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to day 8 of our voyage. Following a very enjoyable morning at anchor I handed Captain Ben and his Crew the ‘Telescope of Challenge†and in doing so gave them the huge responsibility of running the beautiful ship for the next 24hrs. So far they have done a wonderful job of completing a number of their tasks and are now sailing the ship the 50nm to their final waypoint. Surprisingly we were meant to have light and variable winds this evening but the weather gods have smiled upon this Crew and we are currently getting very pleasant 15kt north westerlies which is giving the Youth Crew the opportunity to put the ship under a full press of sail which I know was their goal.
One of the many tasks to be completed during the 24hr Command Period was for the Youth Crew to write tonight’s and tomorrow’s Captains Log so please enjoy tonight’s entry written by Kate, please enjoy!
Until tomorrow, take care
Yours Aye
Captain Gav
Greetings from an at large and in charge youth crew!
Today marks a very special day in the Young Endeavour Voyage: the staffies holiday, more importantly known as the Youth Crew’s Command Day. For twenty four hours the youth crew are in charge of the Young Endeavour and all the shenanigans that take place on board. After the Youth Crew elected the ships roles last night the ship is now under command by Captain Ben, the new Sail Master is Jake, the navigator is Travis, our new watch officer is Jack S, our three watch leaders are Abbie, Steffi and Rhys and our wonderful master chefs are now Jess B, Mariah and Hayley. The new watches are called Neptune’s Wenches, The Krakens and as a special treat to all you Pokemon fans out there the third watch have dubbed themselves… Squirtle. I know what you’re thinking and yes, their meeting call is “I call you.†It’s been a trying day for creativity.
The Youth Crew awoke to another perfect morning in Great Keppel Island, providing us the perfect opportunity to take another swim, this time from the boat. We cracked out the rope swing and everyone had a chance to flip, dive and belly flop (or in some cases, back flop) into the crystal blue waters. There was no sign of any sea life, but the crew did cop an eyeful of the ship’s engineer, Horton, in some very strapping Speedos.
Last night the Youth Crew watched a very inspiring documentary about sailing tall ships around Cape Horn in the 1920’s. It depicted how little safety was around in those days, but how sailing has in many ways remained very similar but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that most of the Youth Crew are very glad Captain Gav does not have a little dog on board trained to nip at our behinds when we are the last to reach a line. I would be missing half a buttock by now.
This afternoon six lucky youthies took on a secret mission in order for the crew to receive their sailing coordinates for the night. After locating “Sashay,†a lovely little boat docked at Wreck Cove the youthies were set the challenge of hoisting the Australian flag and serenading the rest of the Youth Crew still on board with an awe-inspiring national anthem. Part of Command Day involves a myriad of challenges, three of which were ticked off this afternoon. Neptune’s Wenches constructed a phenomenal hammock that supported the weight of twenty four youthies, the entire crew went aloft for a mass photo session, Squirtle watch created an epic chalk mural of the voyage thus far and the master chefs fed everyone a beautiful Asian inspired dinner with the best apple crumble I have ever had. Big props to the master chefs! Feeding a ship full of hungry sailors including the ravenous Princess Tangalooma is no easy feat and they did a fantastic job. We are in charge of the ship until tomorrow afternoon, so if you don’t hear from us again we’ve probably had a successful coo, made the staffies walk the plank and sailed away to the Whitsunday’s for good.
Stay salty,
Kate McCormack (Macka)
P.S – Dear Erin (Josh’s GF) feel free to meet us in the Whitsunday’s. We should be there by Sunday at the latest, weather pending. As a crew we have discussed it and agreed that you may join us on the Young Endeavour if you wish to elope with Josh. Please bring at least twelve packets of Tim Tams, preferably the double coated kind. That will be your ticket aboard.
P.P.S – Go Queensland! Sail Master Kenny said we weren’t allowed to talk about the football but he didn’t mention anything about social media. Get with the program Kenneth.
Currently located 14nm to the SE of Great Keppel Island and are experiencing moderate 10-15kt NW winds with .3m NNE swell. Our current speed is 4kts and the temperature is 16 degrees.
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