Day 7 – At Anchor Port Arthur
Hi Everyone, At sunrise this morning we were located 7nm to the north east of Tasman Island sailing close hauled under a very light north westerly. Given the perfect conditions I decided to transit through the narrow passage which separates Tasman Island and Cape Pillar. This occurred at 0900 and gave the Youth Crew the opportunity to view some spectacular scenery which included the rock formations known as the Organ Pipes and the sighting of a large seal colony which is located on Tasman Island. Once through this passage and back in the open waters of Storm Bay we completed Captains setting and furling drills which was followed by a good set of demonstrational tacks. On completion of these activities we entered Port Arthur and proceeded to anchor in the picturesque Carnarvon Bay. Once safely at anchor the Youth Crew were ferried ashore and given two hours to stroll around the historic penal settlement of Port Arthur. On their return to the Ship we enjoyed a BBQ dinner (unfortunately held in the ships caf� due to passing showers) then held the Command Day brief and Command Team elections. The time is now 2100 and the Youth Crew and a number of Staff have just been ferried ashore so that they can experience the infamous Port Arthur Ghost Tour. On completion of this tour everyone will return to the ship were they will settle into anchor watches for the night ensuring that everyone enjoys a good nights rest in preparation for the commencement of tomorrows much anticipated Command Day.Until tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Gav
Time 2100 - Currently anchored at Port Arthur and experiencing moderate 12-15kt S/SW winds with nil swell.