Day 6 – South Pacific Ocean
Ahoy there everyone,Welcome to day six of our voyage, after conducting a challenging teamwork and leadership exercise overnight, White Watch rocked our morning with a self composed wakey wakey song, setting the benchmark for the day. During an epic morning brief we passed Botany Bay motor sailing north in light winds. During the forenoon Sail Master Paul presented a maritime Rules of the Road activity, this is an important component of safely navigating the ship to avoid colliding with other vessels or running aground by correctly identifying various lights, shapes and navigation markers. After lunch the next round of ‘rope races’ was held raising the non-competitive stakes to a new level. This was followed by demonstrational tacks enabling each watch the opportunity to stand on the bridge and observe the command and control aspects as the ship was tacked through the wind. These set of tacks consolidated the sail theory and practical deck work instruction gained over the previous six days. The intention is to remain at sea overnight continuing to make ground to the north closing our next scheduled anchorage in Broken Bay. The Youth Crew have displayed remarkable teamwork and endurance today as the voyage continues to gain momentum. Until tomorrow evening, take care. Yours Aye Captain Damien
2300 at sea - weather scattered cloud, wind knots, swell NNE 1.5 metre, temperature 12 degrees, barometer 1015 hpa