Day 5 – Jervis Bay, Rope Swing, Beach Games…and Burgers!
Ahoy shipmates…Day 5…time flies when you’re having fun! After a steady night sailing south, assisted greatly by the EAC (you’re riding it dude!), we have made it to Jervis Bay to find…sunny skies and not a breath of wind. No matter, we found ways to fill the day, as described by Val and Sol below. The youth crew are gaining in confidence when it comes to sail handling, a good thing as Command Day is not far away. Hopefully we will have enough breeze tomorrow to do some sailing in the bay…perfect location for it…calm waters and plenty of room. That’s it from me…until tomorrow, fair winds, Cap K——–Greetings Land Lubbers from Val and Sol.During our night watches, our knuckles didn’t take a break from tacking, furling and setting sails (practice makes perfect!). Our wonderful navigator (Emma) introduced us to chart work and navigation basics, and a few other things that will definitely come in handy on command day (fingers crossed).White and blue watch experienced some pleasant weather, however, others weren’t so lucky, with lighting edging in the distance, which caused some to quickly don their wet weather gear to prepare for a heavy downpour. Dillion was able to prove his special connection with marine life as only he was lucky enough to spot a pod of playful dolphins. While that happened, we got around to a breezy midnight climb up the foremast. Just after sunrise, the Young Endeavour finally arrived in the beautiful Jervis Bay. Hardly any wind and calm seas allowed for the staffies to conduct some ship handling training, and a heaving line competition for the youthies was enjoyed by all. Following a delicious lunch, cooked up by our talented chef Adam, the rope swing was set up and it was flippin amazing. With all the acrobatics out of the way, we caught a tender to the beach. Some went snorkelling, some dug holes, but overall everyone had a great time. Coming back to the ship, we were greeted with hearty cheese platters and a picturesque setting sun. To finish off the day, the youth crew climbed aloft and took some great shots of the sunset with the smell of cooking beef patties lingering under our noses. I don’t miss you guys, but I sure do miss your cooking mum (and dads meat and three veg) – love Val Hope Missy is behaving herself, give her a little head squeeze from me – Sol
Wind: NNE at 7 knots Weather: Fine Sea: Calm Location: At anchor off Montagu Point, Jervis Bay.