Captain's Log
V15/21 Sydney to Sydney
2 December 2021

Day 4 – From Jervis Bay with love

Today we woke up to the sweet sweet tunes of ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ with some of the youthies on early morning watch being able to catch a sublime sunrise. The morning continued with yet again another delicious hot breakfast from the legendary Jarod and his youthie helpers.
Morning duties were kick started with the happiest hour of the day where the ship sparkled and shone! Us youthies were then pleasantly surprised with the introduction of the rope swing and treated to a brisk morning swim in the Young Endeavour Pool, accompanied by some lovely jelly blobbers and backflips (some failed attempts, some beautifully successful).
Next up was the next round of Ropies, with red watch inhaling some Zooper-doopers and white watch still straggling far behind. Leaving the morning fun behind, we settled into afternoon duties with tacking drills and rotational exercises… hey, we’re really starting to get the hang of this thing! Just as we thought we were heading back out into the open ocean, we were struck with 20+ knot winds which brought us sailing right back into the bay; hopefully we can catch the tails of the upcoming southerlies tomorrow.
Finished off the evening with some team building exercises where each watch was given the opportunity to get to know each other on a slightly deeper level. Hard to imagine that we only have 7 days left on board. Now onto our ANCHOR watches… see you in the AM!
(Shout out to Adam, Trish and Govert)
Signing off and tucking into bed from youth crew Jordan, Sophia and Norm 🙂


35 01 S / 150 46 E


Weather: Fine. Swell: Nil. Temp: 17. Wind: NE at 10kts.