Captain's Log
V17/18 Gladstone to Brisbane
26 September 2018

Day 4 – A Glorious Day at Sea

Greetings Landlubbers…YE awoke to a magnificent, if a bit fresh, Great Keppel Island morning at 0630. Overnight the Youth Crew had taken their responsibilities of keeping the ship safe during anchor watches seriously…good to know they can be entrusted with such responsibility. After a quick game to get the minds and bodies warmed up, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast on the upper decks. At 0800 it was time to raise the flags, accompanied by all belting out the National Anthem. After hearing from Sailmaster Guv, Salty Adam, and myself, it was time for a dip and the pool was opened. Happy Hour followed, then James (Bagaz) gave his Navigation Brief. After another delicious lunch (we really are spoilt by the quality of food on here) it was time to weigh anchor and at 1245 we departed for Heron Island. Once clear of the Keppel Group, another round of rope races (focusing on the yard braces and mainsail) entertained all and then after some down time we completed rotational tacks, where each of the watches rotate through all the tacking station positions to familiarise themselves with all the requirements for tacking a tall ship. On completion we rolled into overnight watches in relatively calm conditions…but I’ll let White Watch tell you more. Until tomorrow…fair winds, Captain Kenny……..

Day 4: What are we doing here? Drifting in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by sea dogs that smell worse and worse every day. Two 90 second washes a day are they kidding? I got up at 0500 this morning, others weren’t so lucky, Nick had watch from 0100-0200 and Gabby had watch from 0200-0300. The crew are beginning to tire out quicker, these longer working hours are certainly taking their toll on our youth crew. Thank god we we’re at anchor in the beautiful bay of Great Keppel Island. As we’d already had our journey to shore the day before, we had a quick dip into the turquoise water via rope swing off the boat as well as through a leap of faith over the bow sprint. It was certainly enough to liven the spirits of the crew. Even our old mate Captain Kenny made an Olympic level dive off the starboard side. Just after lunch, Young Endeavour left the bay to resume its 11 day voyage to Brisbane. With the promise of another island stop the next day, the crew heaved and hauled ropes and sails to set us on our course to Heron Island.
Watches commenced throughout the evening, our first watch was instigated to be from 1800-2000, our second would be from 0400-0800, by then we should have our next destination in our sights.
Nick, along with many others, constantly mention their desire to see their families again, time away from home hits hard as the voyage grows longer.
White watch is becoming quite the family, its good to see that we all get along and genuinely care about the other members. We all seem to share well in our workloads and its quite becoming to see the support some of our more confident members give to our wallflowers when it comes to tacking positions. Everyone seems to have a go at everything.
I won’t forget Chef Marcus’s food, especially the cookie’s and cream cheese cake. Nor will I forget these people, they’ve been home for me these past few days, through thick and thin, and sick and health.

Signing off, hopefully not for the last time,
Emily Frost, Gabrielle Taylor and Nick Kimber of White Watch onboard the STS Young Endeavour


23 25 s / 151 18 e


Wind: NE at 12 knots Weather: Fine and Clear Swell: E at 0.5m Location: Enroute Heron Island