Day 3 – Twelve Apostles
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Day 3 of our voyage. During the early hours of this morning we rounded Cape Otway and shaped a new course to the west and the Twelve Apostles which we had planned to visit later this morning. Thankfully the weather conditions were perfect which meant that on reaching the Twelve Apostles we were able to spend nearly two hours in the close proximity of these amazing limestone stacks giving the Youth Crew plenty of opportunities to take photographs or just admire this breathtaking scenery. At 1230 we departed the Twelve Apostles and in freshening conditions shaped a new course for King Island. This afternoon we conducted our first round of ‘Rope Races’ which was followed by Gemma’s informative presentation on navigation. That’s enough from me I will now handover to Caitlin and Ashleigh from Red Watch who have done a wonderful job of writing tonight’s Log. Until tomorrow, take care. Captain Gav
Day 3- Captains Log
After our first night of watch shifts from 2000-0000, 0000-0400 and 0400-0800, and a rough first night at sea, a very tired youth crew arose to struggle down some breakfast and get into day activities. During the night watches, the youth crew got their first experiences setting and furling sails, clewing the topsail and navigating our way over 89 nautical miles. In the morning, between watches manning the ship, we got stuck into Happy Hour cleaning- apparently improving our cleaning skills from only 24 hours ago.
The highlight of today was sailing past the Twelve Apostles (or the 7.5 that remain). While some of us had seen the natural wonder from land, it was still incredible to see the rock formations from the perspective of the ocean. Between the sight-seeing and our cleaning stations we had another lesson with Salty and we learnt the nautical origin of a ship’s figurehead, and its’ part to play in the origin of the word ‘bidet’… you can Google it. After some wise words from our Captain Gav, we had an opportunity for some free time to lay in the sun, read and play team games. In the early afternoon, we had our first Rope Race which was won by the White Watch. This involved versing the other watches to identify parts of the ship we have learnt so far. We were also fortunate to have a lesson in navigation from our Ship’s Navigator Gemma, wherein we learnt to read charts/maps and calculate our bearings from land sights.
Most of the Youth Crew have overcome their initial seasickness but the strong wind and waves are proving challenging for some. For four particularly brave youth crew members however, the rough weather provided an exciting challenge to climb the mast and help the staff to sea furl the top sail, 15m above sea level in extremely windy conditions!
We are looking forward to anchoring tomorrow and hugging a tree on King Island.
See you soon!
Caitlin and Ashleigh from the Red Watch.
Currently located 35nm to the NW of Cape Wickham (Most Northern point of King Island) sailing close hauled under fore &aft sails and experiencing moderate to strong 15-20kt ENE winds with a 1.5m ENE swell. Our current speed is 5.5kts and the temperature is 15 degrees.