Day 27 – Saturday Sea
Ahoy one and all, Another great day on the Atlantic Ocean as we pound (literally) our way towards Tenerife. It was very much groundhog day with regards to the conditions. The crew have adjusted to the somewhat erratic motion of the Ship extremely well…as should be expected of the World Voyagers that they are. Today we ran a Saturday Sea routine allowing everyone not on watch to sleep in until lunch time. Like yesterdays Sunday Sea, the extra few hours of sleep were welcomed by all and sundry. After a hearty lunch we conducted an afternoon brief and heard from Dion (Sailmaster), Matt (Navigator), Julie (Spanish instructor) and finally from myself (my first as Captain). From here we rolled in to everyone\’s favourite, Happy Hour, and with the cry of “rub-a-dub-dub, let\’s scrub this tub” all proceeded below to give the old girl a good clean.   Once completed Dion then started compiling lists for the Uckers, 500 and chess competions commencing very soon, and Robbie (World Voyager) dispensed targets and method of execution for the upcoming game of “Ships Assassin”. If the previous edition held during the first leg of our World Voyage is anything to go by, there will be much hilarity…mixed with a fair dose of nervous apprehension…everyone will be looking over their shoulder! As I write this we are settling in to watches for the evening motor sailing with our fore staysail, main staysail and main sail set, cracking along at 6kts with the prospect of another bouncy night at sea.  I\’ll sign off now and hand you over to some of our crew.  Stay safe  Captain Kenny (P.S. hi to Peter, Margaret, Annemaree, Dave and Jack…love to all)     Hello all from Midships Watch.  We’ve just popped inside the chart house to write the log after watching a pod of dolphins, no biggie. We are now at day 27 of our Atlantic adventure with weary heads but high spirits. The swell has picked up to about 4 metres (an all time high of our voyage so far) making for some tough stability conditions. Our dear Young Endeavour feels more like a rubber ducky being thrown around than a 243 tonne ship. We’re all bruised and battered, especially Bridge and I after an epic double stack with the vacuum cleaner and a sink, but I’m still yet to spill a cup of tea so that’s definitely a win. Those of us on the port side of our cabins have been fortunate with a continuing starboard tack keeping us firm in our racks, the starboard side are not quite so lucky. With these conditions I’m sure it’s not long before someone falls out!  Midships watch have been keeping ourselves entertained on our watches with some continuing shenanigans. Some chicken’s feet have made an appearance, stealth shoelace tying to various objects, with a few exercises in-between chocolate eating. At this rate I’m sure our newly acquired chocolate stashes from Mindelo aren’t going to last long.  Our time onboard is going faster and faster every day, with day to day living on a ship becoming second nature. I’m certainly going to miss this old girl when I leave!  A quick hello to everyone back home in Hobart!-Cass  This leg of our voyage is shaping up to be a fun one, for while the weather isn’t playing the game, we are! One of the tasks for our command day on the last leg was to draw up a tournament draft for Chess, Uckers (a complex military version of Ludo) and 500, which was started today. Also our very own Robbie drew up some rules for a (hopefully) friendly game of Ship’s Assassin, which will involve everyone on the ship given a name and a “murder†weapon which starts at midnight tonight, I think everyone on the ship is about to become a whole lot more wary of each other!  Hello to everyone back in Adelaide and Melbourne–MaxPs. Special hiya to Steph and the other grads back home, hope you’re having as much fun at work as I am here! Still working on collecting that sample of Atlantic ocean water for you too 😉 Helena”Â
Wind: NE 15-20kts Weather: Overcast Sea State: 4 Swell: NE 4.0m Visibility: Good Barometer: 1017hpa rising Temperature: 21 degrees