Captain's Log
V14/19 Newcastle to Eden
18 November 2019

Day 2 – Nelson Bay to Sea…Under Sail At Last!

Ahoy shipmates. Day 2…a very busy day. We awoke at 0630 to a beautiful Nelson Bay morning, and after a quick early morning activity, rolled straight into showers and breakfast. At 0800 we gathered on the bridge for morning brief, kicking off with the traditional ‘Colours, ceremony, belting out the National Anthem with gusto. After hearing from the sailmaster, navigator and ‘salty’ (our nautical terminology expert), it was time for the harness and safety aloft briefs, before all the youth crew lay aloft to the top gallant yard for their first climbs. I am very please to report that everyone made it up and back, an outstanding effort by all! After a delicious lunch from Chef Marcus, the youth crew were introduced to the delights of ‘happy hour’ (cleaning stations)…a clean ship is a healthy ship! The watch leaders then took over to take their young charges through sail handling drills (setting and furling). At 1600 karly gave her ‘super’ safety brief, highlighting in detail all the safety equipment onboard, before all enjoyed some down time before dinner. Keen to get to sea, I gave the main sail and square sail brief, then we weighed anchor and departed Port Stephens around 1930. We are currently under for and aft sails making our way to the south east in rolly conditions. The youth crew have commenced their watch on deck responsibilities (helm, lookout, rounds) with Red Watch on watch until midnight, followed by White then Blue. That’s it for now…hopefully the team start to find their sea legs soon. Until tomorrow, fair winds, Captain Kenny.


32 47s / 152 16e


Wind: NNE at 23 knots Weather: Hazy and overcast Sea: Moderate Course: 150 Speed: 7 knots Location: East of Port Stephens