Captain's Log
26 July 2016

Day 2 – Into the blue

The morning of day 2 found us snugly anchored in Trinity Inlet, deep in Cairns Harbour. It was a lovely, still morning, the sun was shaping to rise over the Yarrabah, the only sound was the water slapping against the hull and distant bird song… then Brad the Sailmaster cranked up the tunes and gave everyone a rousing wakey wakey, with an appropriate song which had “wake me up” in it somewhere. When I say everyone, I mean he woke everyone in the inlet! Ships company sprung up on deck to get their day started right with a wee bit of fun and frivolity through a game of championship spuds.

Next was a well deserved breakfast before we cracked straight into our harness check and safety aloft spiel by Brad. Youth crew were introduced to their personal harness and gave it a once over to get acquainted. Buddy checks were conducted and Charles demonstrated the correct method of laying aloft and then below. Then it was straight into it… One watch after the other scaled the ratlines, transiting futtocks of the tops, and made it out either side of the topgallant. A very proud Captain I was, ladies and gentlemen as all our intrepid adventures did make it to the top with quite some ease. They did a smashing job, particularly those that found it harder than others.

Back on deck it was time for a morning brief where Jenko rapped about sea sickness, rehydration and avoiding sun burn, then Kyle the Nav spoke briefly on the weather and our navigation plan for the voyage. Captain Salty – our nautical translator – introduced himself and encouraged everyone to learn the language of the sea and I tried to encourage everyone generally, with my quote of the day.

Lunch was eaten then our salty sea puppies scrubbed the tub as Happy Hour took place. A clean ship is a happy ship, and a hygienic one too. Afterwards, Megan gave the youthies a safety equipment extravaganza, detailing all things safety related to ensure our new shipmates know what to do in case of emergency. As this was taking place, we weighed anchor and departed the inlet, proceeding out and into the Coral Sea.

As Megan finished, each watch found their watch leader and sail setting and furling drills took place. Once each watch felt comfortable with the; fore, main and topgallant staysails, Brad gave a main brief before the main was set and then the jib was set. With a lovely sail plan and some good breeze, we thought tacking drills were in order, so to ensure the youth crew knew what to do when required to alter course. And let’s face it, ladies and gentlemen, that will be happening quite a lot during this voyage, as we try to avoid the Great Barrier Reef and her sharp, prickly bits..

Whew! What a busy day. Our little sea farers are well pooped now and unfortunately some, a little green as the wind has created a somewhat lumpy old sea. Sadly, Jenko’s roast turkey and lamb were not very popular tonight. So I did my best, dear reader, not to waste too much. Alas, I had more than I should have, but I did it for the team!

So now, as watches take control of the decks overnight and learn standard seaman duties like helmsmanship, engineering rounds, lookout duties and to consolidate climbing and sail handling skills, I must bid you all adieu. Until tomorrow.

Yours Aye,

Captain Adam


16 50 S / 146 06 E


Wind: SSE 15-20 Swell: 160@05.m Temp: 25